Dilemma...Gimme Your Ideas...

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Here is my situation...I have 3 plants that I am harvesting tonight that will free up my flower room. I have 2 Fruity Thai (15 inches tall and topped)...3 Afghani (9 inches tall) and 1 White Widow Fem (12 inches tall) that are 41 days from sprout. I have clones of the fruity Thai and plan on taking a couple from the WW before flowering.

I am going on vacation next weekend and will be gone for 5 days and 4 nights. Should I wait untill after I get back to flower these guys or should I start flowering now? I did a test run this week. I left town for 4 days and 3 nights and watered them good before I left. When I got home, the WW was a bit droopy as were the Thai but certainly nothing to be concerned with. The Afghani looked superb but hell, you can't hurt a good Affie!

I feel certain they will be fine for the 4 nights alone in veg but I am not sure about Flower. 400 watt HPS heats up my flower room to about 84-85 degrees. I will have clones so if things go bad I won't be set back to far.

You guys are much smarter than I so what should I do?
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Well-Known Member
Leave them in veg.

If you're worried, take a load of clones, put them in a vase with some water and stick them in the fridge..

Should stop them going too manky.



Well-Known Member
keave em in veg and go buy an automatic watering system.. very cheap, they just drip into the pots.... and all should be fine and dandy :)


Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
In my heart I figured leaving them in veg would be best but these Thai's are going to take like 10-12 weeks anad I was thinking of getting a jump start. You guys know better than me and I was wanting someone to give me that lil push to go with flower. :mrgreen:

I have 6 ft heighth in my grow cabinet and I certainly don't want the Thai to crowd me. I will veg for another 10-14 days and then I will put those babies in the oven. I want to get them sexed so I am not wasting energy on males. :cry: