DillWeed's 2009 fall grow journal: BLUEBERRY, VIOLATOR KUSH, SENSI STAR and more...


Well-Known Member
what happened to stanky mingo could potentially hinder things round here....... Rollitup made a thread about it that was up for 24 hrs that addressed the issue......


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guys! Am I the only one that likes the old version of rollitup a lot better? The thread I made about Sticky Mango getting busted also just vanished into thin air. I guess the mods deleted it for some reason. It had almost 300 replies within 24 hours of me making it too. They also deleted his grow journal. What a drag. I really hope everything works out for him. He seemed like a cool dude.
No your not alone...i like the old version of riu too thats all i use.....but dill im pullin up my chair on this one cant wait to see the results bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
Yeah, I don't really care for the new layout and format of this website. I also don't like the fact that the last thread I made "magically disappeared" after 24 hours too. :(
I agree, was gone almost 6 months and coming back was def a shock


Well-Known Member
Going to take clones and start the 12/12 cycle on Thanksgiving day everyone. I'll do a picture update sometime before then too though. I promise!


Active Member
yea dill, i slowed down my postin alot after i saw ur thread. i was few to see i guess. autos are still up an runnin lookin huge packin on the buddage. peace out an ill b round bro


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on since I read the thread Dill. TLD I know the thread probablly isn't up but what did it say. Cause I am in the same state as SM was I'm freakin paranoid dudes.



Well-Known Member
It said Dude F'ed up outside in the Real world with someone that knew more than people should let people know ;)....... it said be careful..... follow the golden rule "tell no one"......... it said that it is Extremely unfortunate (which it really is)....... and for everyone to understand WHY the rules of this site Are what they are ;)

and on a side note this was about personal leverage...... it was something done in spite, and should not be taken lightly...... we should be weary of certain signs always, and let this serve as lesson to not taking preventative measures..... This persons account here was not his undoing, let that be foremost understood..... but we should all understand the ways of the world, and the tragedy that is the reality we must battle against....... let us be done with this matter, so as not to bring further strife to our brethren...... let us relax and take it easy....... but always keep our wits about us ;)


Active Member
thanks TLD, that whole episode freaked me out too. Reasoning and logic tells you that old StankyMango had to have done something else besides just post a couple pics online, but sometimes paranoia is a stronger force than reason or logic.


Well-Known Member
It said Dude F'ed up outside in the Real world with someone that knew more than people should let people know ;)....... it said be careful..... follow the golden rule "tell no one"......... it said that it is Extremely unfortunate (which it really is)....... and for everyone to understand WHY the rules of this site Are what they are ;)

and on a side note this was about personal leverage...... it was something done in spite, and should not be taken lightly...... we should be weary of certain signs always, and let this serve as lesson to not taking preventative measures..... This persons account here was not his undoing, let that be foremost understood..... but we should all understand the ways of the world, and the tragedy that is the reality we must battle against....... let us be done with this matter, so as not to bring further strife to our brethren...... let us relax and take it easy....... but always keep our wits about us ;)
I feel ya. No one and I mean no one knows about my RIU account. There are only two people who know about my grow one being my girl, second my brother in law. I'm really paraniod cause it seems like everyone who gets busted on this site is from FL which I am too. No more pics for me.

thanks TLD, that whole episode freaked me out too. Reasoning and logic tells you that old StankyMango had to have done something else besides just post a couple pics online, but sometimes paranoia is a stronger force than reason or logic.
StickyMango had to have been telling people about his RIU account. I mean I really doubt the feds would just search the forums for a one plant grow op. There has got to be atleast a couple hundred large scale grows going on in Jacksonville right now as we speak. I'd be HELLA freaked if I lived there good thing I don't. Its just got me nervous now cause I don't know if I've ever posted in any of his stuff and what not.



Active Member
Its just got me nervous now cause I don't know if I've ever posted in any of his stuff and what not.

ya that's why i got so freaked, cause i had a couple posts, along with a link in my sig to my journal, right before he got it....

Anyway, sorry for clogging up your thread, Dill, I won't mention it again. Can't wait to see how the sensi does.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. RIU deleted every thread SM ever started and deleted all his posts as well as his account. You're all good.

Pics coming tomorrow! :bigjoint:
I gotcha. Well I'm still gonna take a lil break on posting pics... I can't wait for yours however I bet things are starting to look bushy in there now.



Active Member
did i miss something here all i did was ask a question ?
I was also wondering the same thing. How hard could it be to answer a question in one sentence?

I also wanted to ask the same question but I guess the thread owner, including his joiners are not very accommodating.



Well-Known Member
I specifically said "No newb questions" long ago. This isn't the newb forum, this is my private journal. I am not required to answer any questions at all but I do answer all questions that aren't one of the following:

1- A newb question...

2- A question that's been asked and answered multiple times in the same thread it has been asked in...

3- A combination of numbers 1 and 2, which are the worst types of questions...

This is an intermediate level indoor grow journal where the sole purpose is to show those who already grasp the concept of indoor growing how to expand to a larger setup. It's not my fault if you can't grasp that simple concept and/or lack the initiative to read my last journal in its entirety. If you read my last journal (just my posts) from beginning to end it should take you no longer than 90 minutes or so. And remember, you don't have to read it all in one sitting. If you are too lazy to put 90 minutes into researching how to grow this sacred plant then you are never going to get the results that myself and many others on this fine forum who have put hundreds of hours into researching and growing cannabis have. The truth may hurt, but it shall set you free.


Well-Known Member
I specifically said "No newb questions" long ago. This isn't the newb forum, this is my private journal. I am not required to answer any questions at all but I do answer all questions that aren't one of the following:

1- A newb question...

2- A question that's been asked and answered multiple times in the same thread it has been asked in...

3- A combination of numbers 1 and 2, which are the worst types of questions...

This is an intermediate level indoor grow journal where the sole purpose is to show those who already grasp the concept of indoor growing how to expand to a larger setup. It's not my fault if you can't grasp that simple concept and/or lack the initiative to read my last journal in its entirety. If you read my last journal (just my posts) from beginning to end it should take you no longer than 90 minutes or so. And remember, you don't have to read it all in one sitting. If you are too lazy to put 90 minutes into researching how to grow this sacred plant then you are never going to get the results that myself and many others on this fine forum who have put hundreds of hours into researching and growing cannabis have. The truth may hurt, but it shall set you free.

Theres way too many people around here that come in and look at the pretty pictures without actually reading a single word, then they start asking a bunch of questions that have been answered already.

I bet they were the type of kids who always flipped through books looking at pictures without actually reading a single word.