Dimmer switch on fan

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ok well then its small enough to use probably then. 4 foot tall wotn allow much for plants hight though. with light above and filter if using one


Well-Known Member
The filter is gonna be a separate attachment that I'll put on when need needed. And for tht small of n arEa I'm just gonna be doing a vertical bulb in the center and have it set up like this light filter fan. The light in the center of the top piece of wood cuz I have a hole inthe center then the attachment being a diy carbon scrubber Then my fan on top of the attachment so my box with another box ontop of that and my fan on top pulling everythingthrough the activated carbon l
:) should work nicely


Well-Known Member
Get a fart fan from Lowe's for $30. Make a filter from hepafilter fabric. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Just go buy a hepa filter and break out the filter/fabric??? I already have a fan bro I don't need another my fan is morethan enough for what I have it sounds like a jet engine lol and its 120mm x 39mm and has a rating of 252 cfm its awesome lol it's a server cooling fan lol


Well-Known Member
Just go buy a hepa filter and break out the filter/fabric??? I already have a fan bro I don't need another my fan is morethan enough for what I have it sounds like a jet engine lol and its 120mm x 39mm and has a rating of 252 cfm its awesome lol it's a server cooling fan lol
Ok. I thought you wanted a quiet fan for a small space. That Lowe's fan is noisy, but this one is quiet <.3 sones.

And fabric for hepafilters can be bought in rolls, cheap.


sorry about the delay in responding,got home late last night.
DC fans can be speed controlled by controlling the voltage going to the fan, not the amperage. you can buy a power supply that regulates the voltage from radio shack or any electronic supply house. a rheostat will do the same. the cheap way is to find a transformer that puts out less than 12 volts dc (say 9 vdc) & see if that slows it down enough.
medi1 shows a link to a fan controller but that is for a AC fan & wont work for your app.(nice price though)
Your right, I was high. It has a volt switch on it. I own two of them and they work great. Looks like this.... http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3875402&retainProdsInSession=1


Well-Known Member
WELL here is my set up i still havent fixed the noise issue yet. put a cardboard box over the fan with holes in it. seeems to quiet it down alot. but any who here is janice. not to sure whats going on with her. EITHER SHE SELFED HERSELF OR GOT POLLINATED WITH BC GOD BUD....????? my buddy said it looks like she got pollinated. i need some advice.....WHAT DOES RIU THINK???? Pollination or Herm? she is still producing buds. and i have been picking off all the balls i see...( dont know if thats good or bad.....but hey whatever right?) so she still looks pretty decent and smells still. the balls i pick off dont but w/e.... so here are the pics you all have been waiting for with my set up....

sry it took so long.. lol

the other photos of the upclose buds and really mean pics are of MONICA my GWS that is fucking amazing EnJOY!!!



Active Member
U dont have to hook up the ground if u dont want it. Just hook up the black wires. They will b fine. Unles one wire is red then that ones hooked up to the bigger prong


Active Member
I'm a contractor. Ive wired plenty of stuff from air units to control boxes. Hooking up a cord is comon since. If u dont trust ur self to do it go to ur local skool and find a small child to do it for u. Untill then keep to ur self.


Active Member
haha..ya the ground is spare parts????...
Aparently u dont no anything about electrical. When you c a power cord and it has only two prongs its ungrounded. When it has 3 prongs its grounded. If u think ungrounded things r unsafe then go around ur house and c how many prongs r on all ur cords. You will be taking a lot of your stuff.


Well-Known Member
WELL here is my set up i still havent fixed the noise issue yet. put a cardboard box over the fan with holes in it. seeems to quiet it down alot. but any who here is janice. not to sure whats going on with her. EITHER SHE SELFED HERSELF OR GOT POLLINATED WITH BC GOD BUD....????? my buddy said it looks like she got pollinated. i need some advice.....WHAT DOES RIU THINK???? Pollination or Herm? she is still producing buds. and i have been picking off all the balls i see...( dont know if thats good or bad.....but hey whatever right?) so she still looks pretty decent and smells still. the balls i pick off dont but w/e.... so here are the pics you all have been waiting for with my set up....

sry it took so long.. lol

the other photos of the upclose buds and really mean pics are of MONICA my GWS that is fucking amazing EnJOY!!!

i see hermie's in quite a few of your pics, how come your asking about pollenating??? with balls and nana's like that in your pics i think its obvious whats inevitably going to happen - seeds.

You should've ditched any him she's .



Well-Known Member
I know it's inevitable but how did she herm. I had An experienced grower say she got pollinated by another plant. What would have caused the herm? Its the same plant btw. I've been picking the bAlls off and she hasn't grown any more. So idk. RIU HELP!!! Lol And zuuluu was Post32 directed towards me or medi1

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
oh realy...well i juist took an exptension cord for a hair dryer and cut 1 of the 2 wires..it quit..how come i thought the gound wasnt needed....so you ever grab something meatl that wasnt grounded..get a shock??/usualy. needs the ground or you become the ground. electri8cuity needs a complet cirlce not half of one. and why do all elctrical wires have grounds if we dont need them..extra sales???....lol
never seen anything work with 1 wire


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm gonna clear this shit up on my own fucking post since I have to. Medi1 2 wire circuits don't have a ground they have only two wires. The thick side and the small side the thick Side is polarized the thin one isn't. There for you don't have a ground in this circuit. You have polarized and nonpolarized HOWEVER YOU CAN HAVE THREE WIRES FOR HIGHER VOLTAGE/AMPERAGE connections. That's when and where the ground comes in. So that if you get shocked or complete a ground for the circuit it shorts out. And pops your circuit breaker. I'm not a total fucking idiot when it come to electricity people. I was just asking a simple question as to why a fan control was not working for a dc circuit. It's because the fan control was for the motor not the actual plasma of what electricity is. Now medi1 I will continue to accept your advice as long as it's legit. I appreciate the help pepes I really do :) +rep


Well-Known Member
The unpolarized prong is virtually the same as the ground in a three prong male piece. The ground is just there to protect you in the case that any metal on that appliance were to become "hot" you would not be shocked. You could cut the ground off and the plug would still work