Dinafem Haze Auto


Active Member
Yo dudes, I thought this was a grow journal not a whos got a bigger dick contest! lol Is anyone ever right? I've heard many people on here tell me to do certain things and some may work and others don't it all depends on your setup and strain. Dudes your both right get over it, why waste your nerves worryin about how someone else grows there shit! pass dat peace pipe!! much respect to all of you, were all homies here doin the same thing while searching for the same end result, and who is anyone to say your doing it right or wrong? do what you do!
thought i should throw in my 2C.


Active Member
and im still a little confused why you keep calling everyone nubs, isn't that what happens when you loose a limb? your left with just a nub? anyways that's like me making fun of you because you were once a baby? were you not? were you not also new to growing? or were u just born with the knowledge of how to grow a plant. I guess I just don't get why being a newb is a bad thing... considering EVERYONE is at one point in time.

Brock Im heading outta town again for the weekend so I can't wait to come home to a surprise again sunday night!


Well-Known Member
I have 4 autoflowering pandora`s ...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-pl...help-leaf.html <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

this is the link of my pandora plants .. problems .. etc .....There ya go donkey 62 days from seed to harvest wow 5 minutes and found this ur a jackass...
Found what dude? Your link doesn't work there nubby. And if it's the one I think you are thinking about the dudes plants look like shit. I just gave you 3 threads of "experienced" growers who's Pandora didn't auto flower. I've grown out 20 autos from 5 different breeders in the last year. This is the only auto that didn't auto. Shit, the plant even stalled flowering under 16 hours of light. It's a photo strain at this point and everyone who knows anything knows this. And there's plenty more of people who are having the same issue. I obviously don't know how to grow autos looking back at my auto grow pictures from the last 12 months......

Rub a nub on this Dub



Active Member
WOw ur bringing another web site into it...dudes plants looked fine...get off my thread see ya...This thread for nubs(lmao good 1 henry)...Henry have fun this weekend bro and hope for no more thunderstorms for ur plants and u get back and have huge nuggets........I WIN THE BIGGEST DICK CONTEST 2..lol later fellas ill have smoke report on sample also....


Active Member
WHITEWIDOW6 thats the name to look up the pandora grows for u folks 62 days from seed 120g dry off 3 i dont think thats to bad...but im a nub so what do i know..lol


Well-Known Member
WOw ur bringing another web site into it...dudes plants looked fine...get off my thread see ya...This thread for nubs(lmao good 1 henry)...Henry have fun this weekend bro and hope for no more thunderstorms for ur plants and u get back and have huge nuggets........I WIN THE BIGGEST DICK CONTEST 2..lol later fellas ill have smoke report on sample also....
Dudes Pandora grew to 7' tall and went over 100 days. His others he chopped at 80 days premature and yielded nothing. You are clueless aren't you?



Active Member
DinafemHazeAuto... I shouldn't need to say this, but this is a peaceful place, and a peaceful community, where people come together to share knowledge and wisdom - what about any grow or grower merits such immature comments? If you see a problem, then be a mature adult, and share constructive criticism.

Aren't we all growing ganja... ? I'd like to think that we're a little more chill, down to earth bunch, that respects everyone's plants, and looks at every grow as an opportunity to learn and become better growers and people in general for it.

Maybe you need to bongsmilie:bigjoint::blsmoke::joint:8)

:peace: :leaf: peace & weed


Active Member
Also, this isn't a contest, jdubman. It's about growing as a community and as individuals, and producing healthy, lush plants


Well-Known Member
Why would u show off that like its something special lol....105 days for an auto....I mean 20yrs and thats the best u can do...LMAO...UR A JOKE DUDE ..THIS MINOR FUCKED UR WIFE AND UR DAUGHTER LAST NIGHT...
If it autoflowered then yah, 65 days, but it doesn't and there's plenty of skilled growers as Ive showed you with the same results. Don't blame the grower nub, blame the breeder.
How hard is it to keep your lights at 18-20 hrs a day? What special thing should I have done to make her auto all mighty skilled one with years of experience? I changed to flower spectrum
and flower nutes on the 4th week. Just like I have done with all my autos. So whatcha gotta say now?



Well-Known Member
1st, I contributed my Haze grow, 2nd, you were the first to insult anyone, 3rd, you don't have pictures to back up your insult, 4th, Minors aren't allowed on here which you admitted you are, Typical amongst posters that can't provide pictures



Active Member
One thing I've learned in life Is when people go out of their way to prove something, it's bs. Pros don't need to flaunt, brag, or even argue with us nubs. Ur worse than the 11 yr olds on COD.


Active Member
lol im 30 yrs old dude...i was just copying what u said...and ur sitting there thinking ur right bout everything which u arent noone is man...everybodies grow turns out different ...Thats why 1 of mine r done and not the other 4 and 2 well they way behind becuz of the breeder not the grower(stability issues))..I have no reason to lie just not willing to post pics believe me or not i could care less... Well henry have a good weekend bro,U;ll come back to nice big nugs....


Well-Known Member
lol im 30 yrs old dude...i was just copying what u said...and ur sitting there thinking ur right bout everything which u arent noone is man...everybodies grow turns out different ...Thats why 1 of mine r done and not the other 4 and 2 well they way behind becuz of the breeder not the grower(stability issues))..I have no reason to lie just not willing to post pics believe me or not i could care less... Well henry have a good weekend bro,U;ll come back to nice big nugs....

I don't know what kind of language you are typing but it isn't english. Your post made no sense


The Serpent

Active Member
This thread awesome only a short few days ago or something, wtf is going on? Seriously, I bthought the merits of Dinafem Auto Haze were being discussed here and how we are doing with it?

Come on guys, pack in the "hand-bags at dawn," and get (what was previously) a great thread back on the rails yeah?