Dinafem Haze Auto


Active Member
I think i may have drowned them by not paying attention... infact im pretty sure that's what i did lol. there goes some $$$ downt the shitter.

I just started soakin my last 2 seeds Tangerine Dreams so it looks like im going shopping this weekend for more lol.


Active Member
Thadda boy lol...TD look real nice i hope hieght isnt an issue for u tho bro cuz the get to about 4ft and produce like crazy from what ive seen....I hope the seeds werent white as ive heard the TD's sometime's arrive looking premature...Are u watering the seeds bro???Dont just put them in a moisten rapid rooter and give it 2-3 days it will be up for ya..Also maybe use a spray bottle that way u cant water them that much ya know...


Active Member
Not trying to tell ya what to do bro just from what ive learned and with a 100% taproot in 18 hrs...Just put ur seeds in a moist paper towel then in a plastic bowl in a dark place like a dresser drawer...Just try it with 1 of the TD's atleast for me boss..


Active Member
SMOKE REPORT forgot to do it.....This weed is a total body high for sure with a slight head high alittle zoning out..I like the body high as it relaxes me and my bad back although i would like alittle higher knock out stone hopefully 1 of new strains will give me this..


Active Member
lol their in paper towels.... I brought my white dwarf inside after the sun went down and put it in my tent where it will remain in the dark untill I chop and hang on monday. With my haze I think im gonna let it keep going, I am noticing some amber trichs maybe 5% Oh btw the order was placed lol


Active Member
No doubt bro i didnt realize they were in paper towels u said they were soaking so i thought u dropped them in a glass of water like some do...Sweet what treats do u have coming??Are u using a prepaid card bro??I cant find any for over seas around here i had to use someones credit card for the first order..


Active Member
Well my big beast is starting to turn and she will be done in the next 3 weeks for sure just waiting now....Babies r gonna get first feeding tomorrow along with transplant into their final home, then 2 more weeks of veg then into flowering yeahhh

The Serpent

Active Member
Damn, my auto haze still not fucking done!!!

Nearly at 2 weeks over the estimated finish date... still got white hairs all over and the trichomes still look clear. damn.


Active Member
I still have 1 left 2 bro but its a beast compared to the rest of them, i topped it against all AF rules and now i have 8 tops and its hugs will be topping from now on as im gonna get double my yeild on my biggest 1...I figure i have 3 weeks left as the hairs are just turning orange...


Active Member
All i can bro is watch for MOLD in late flowering after u do ur last flushing, got hit on my last 3 and it happens in less than 24 HRS...


Active Member
When i turned my light on i found 1 k-train laying on the ground...It is top heavy fell over and the its all kinds of twisted now but she will str8ing out hopefully....All is well im fed yesterday and today all the babies about 4oz of grow nutes for the first couiple of times...And have seen a set of leaves come since...How u doing Sepernt and Henry hope all is well fellas..


Active Member
Hey folks just finished transplanting, and never again will i transplant takes to damn long...from now on i goes....seed into rapid rooters dome for 7 days then into final home....I cut a couple of the roots on accident by cutting the bottom of the cup off then planting the whole cup for extra stability and alittle easier as i use str8 perlite and it doesnt really get to compact and i feel if i tried taking the whole thing out of the cup i would screw stuff all up...

The Serpent

Active Member
All I'm doing is feeding on boost ain't had any spare time to nip to hydro shop, damn, my plants leaning all over the shop, had to tie her together, main kola tied to tent frame, other kola tied to main kola with another and another lol, damn, all my branches started falling all over the shop!!!! Cannot be long left, I have gotta be nearly there, need to finish up soon coz am getting pushed for time. One my plants is a monster and it's bullied the other two totally, however I have a list of things to do on my next grow, totally been a great learning experience for grow #1.

I'm praying like fuck am done by next week lol!

Hope you guys are doing well.



Active Member
Thats awsome bro ur colas r monsters throw up some pics if ya wanna....I had to support them against the plant next to them lol never tied them...I do however have my last haze pulled over as far as i can becuz its a monster and almost touches the light when it stands str8 up...Finally starting to show small calyx's so i know im within a couple of weeks thank god..lol...When this 1 finishes thats when i change to 12/12 for my new babies that r vegging right now and just got transplanted(what a bitch)...When i switch the light they should have vegged for about 30-35 days which is good and gonna be topped atleast 1 time prolly more...


Active Member
What up homies. Well my white dwarf is cut and dry and I only got 18G dry off of it but that's becauase I had no main cola. My Haze has been in the dark for 3 days and i just cut and its hanging now.

BTW Those never popped in the paper towels for some reason so im just assuming that it had something to do with my storage which i truelly find hard to believe. But oh well my new ones arrive next week. I wrote the Tude they said I could send back the seeds and shit but i dunno where they are im pretty sure i threw them away in a bit of a rage. But Im going to email Barney's Farm about it and see what they say.


Active Member
So lol just grab some bag seeds and sendem back lol....Yeah thats really shitty bro...I just kept my seeds in the tin that they were sent in...Mine cracked after having them for almost 3 mths right away...But im sorry bro thats shitty as hell....18gs aint to bad boss considering u had no cola...shitty...Well hope it gets better bro when the seeds arrive..


Active Member
I kept all of mine in the tin as well. AND the tangerines came in their own airtight package that had to be cut open... that's why I'm writing the breeder.