Dinafem Seeds? Anyone Like/Dislike Them?

I had bluehash freebie. I didnt care for it much at all. Because I didnt care for it, it sat in the back and aged. After 45 days in the jar, it turned into some really nice smoke. The longer it aged, the better it got.

i had all of mine jarred up for a good 6 months and everytime i tried any of them, i didnt like them. a friend of mine doesnt care about taste and likes everything i have. so when its time to clean out the med. cabinet and restock with the fresh, i know my friend will be happy to take anything off my hands. but usually he doesnt get anything until i have had it for many months. you never know when you may need it for back up smoke.
I got a free white Siberian seed from attitude and grew it outside this summer using mg soil and nutes not knowing any better yet it still survived and thrived. I'll be buying dinafem seeds again lol highly recommend
If you ran into root rot at germination it's because you over watered them, I just did the same thing with one of my blue cheese's. I also germed a blue widow without as much water and it came up healthier than the rest of my seedlings. I get 100% success rate with a damp paper towel in a tupperware container with a few holes poked in the top of it. Then i put that shit on a germination pad (costs like 20 bucks) and they explode out of their shells. Hope this helps, stay strapped!
I've got a couple of freebies I just planted, Bluehash and critical+ They seem kind of runted, the bluehash is just a slow grower "2nd node", while the critical+ is the smallest plant I've ever seen "1 node". I almost need a magnifying glass to see the tiny little leaves. I plan on sticking with them too see how they turn out. But it's a stark contrast to the white label - white widows growing next to them which are already on their "4th-5th node" and looking beautiful and already starting to smell. All started at the same time, about 2 weeks from germ. Granted they were freebies compared to the widows coming from a breeders pack. The difference in the just the seeds appearance was significant. It leads me to believe freebies are the less desirable seeds not worthy of a breeders pack. So I'll reserve judgment coming from freebies and they are free so no complaining here.
testing 1 2 3
Order Last WK 5 Dianfem Fem cheese and 5 Fem Og Kush, Cant Wait to get them started. Also got two White Widow Freebies !!
My Blue Hash, Critical + and White Siberian all went herm. none of my greenhouse strains went herm
i germed my blue hash 4 days ago. it took 36 hours after germing it had an inch taproot. its now about an inch 1/2 with the first set of leaves after the first rounded ones. very fast growing so far considering it has rained non stop the last 3-4 days. dinafem has high quality seeds for sure
I have five critical plus one week in flower. I have read some great reviews around and hope they turn out well. There are a couple of vids on you tube that look sexy as all get out and are done in 8 weeks tops!?! We shale see.....
Im a fan of Dinafem, been growing there strains for awhile now.
The BW and Crit+ and Shark Attack have been awesome. I can say that all of them always take longer to correctly finish then advertised.

Here is my last batch of Critical +


Here is a pic of my last batch of Blue Widow SoG from 2011 some time


Blue Widow before harvest....

Hellbillie-- those are some sexy ladies! How many days out would you call those critical +? I don't shy away from 70+ and truly believe most strains go at least 65.... But I have heard of quite a short flowering for this beautiful girl.
Hellbillie-- those are some sexy ladies! How many days out would you call those critical +? I don't shy away from 70+ and truly believe most strains go at least 65.... But I have heard of quite a short flowering for this beautiful girl.

I screwed up my notes on this last grow, but im somewhere between 40 and 55 days right now I believe.
Love Dinafem no complaints here. My avatar is a Shark Attack (indica dom and very fruity) also have a diesel that is also a indica dom very dense buds with a very distinct strawberry smell has none of the fuely smell)First pic shark second pic shark top right diesel bottom left. 100_3657.jpg100_3665.jpg
never had a single problem with a dinafem seed
I received a 80%(whatever that means) Blue Hash in a promotion from Attitude. Ran 6 clones, vegged for 45 days and finished in 62 days at 4.5 feet. 1.5 lbs of pretty good and very dense nugs.


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On past exp, I'd rate these DinaFem strains:
Ca Hash Plant, Ctitical+, Blue Widow, White Widow, Sweet Deep Grapefruit - several of each, all grew vigorously and yielded above avg. None of the smoke was particularly memorable.
OG Kush - fastest grower, biggest yielder, above avg smoke
Diesel = 2 times, both slow, low yield but tasty.

I can't remember a DinaFem seed that didn't germ - no herms. If I knew someone that wanted a reliable strain for commercial purposes, I'd recommend DinaFem. For personal stash, I prefer others.
Dinafem is a perfect company for a new grower IMO. They dont have to cull through males and will have few if any problems at all.
Dinafem is a perfect company for a new grower IMO. They dont have to cull through males and will have few if any problems at all.

but you still have to watch out for herms,growing fems is no easier than growing regs.
their blue widow and cheese are very nice.
i bought 5 power kush 5 deep grapefruit and 5 original amnisa {amnisa ware expensive} they all germanated fine but the amnisa only 1 seed managed to push trough and grow gutted

the other 10 got 3 of each growing fast the other 4 are midgets lol .. but gutted about the amnisa wast of money
Just harvested their og kush lovely looking plant covered in frost and nice yealder over 4 oz's a plant 5 week veg