Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto

Those sure are purty plants pthang.
I took these last night. Heres my sweet deep at about day 25-ish flower the same as your #3

Heres second one two weeks behind the first about two weeks into flower

Heres the third still in veg under led. I topped and trained 1 and 2 for hieght reasons. This 3rd one im trying out mainlining on
damn they looking nice

i'll show u clearer pics of my trouble when my girlfriends comes back home with her cellphone
they arent looking that great exept my top leaves :/
yeah its exactly what i thought, nevermind anyways i gotta take care of the smell right know, im loving it tho
I dont know about you but im getting pretty excited buds forming all over on these. Sweet deeps are kicking the hell outa all the other plants i have goin as far as growth rates. I cloned the one still in veg hopefully i wont kick myself for not cloning the first two
good to hear, i have a feeling i might not even get to harvest #3.. been over 3 weeks im having the same problems and whatever i do nothing helps, im thinking it must be the blooming nutes im using, these arent liquids in a bottle so i guess its harder to dose it off,but even that my ppm doesnt go higher than 250 and they still burn and its getting closer to the main stem so i have to cut some burnt leaves sometimes and since they're in bloom they dont focus on making new leaves..., in other news #1 is so gorgeous

will buy a liquid bottle of bloom nute and see how it goes

little overview i took earlier today
dont have to worry the lights wont fall off, i know its looking kind of creepy and shit but the wooden bar over #1 was already curved.. had to do with what i had under my hands

i dont think ive got buds forming already on #3, i'll have a closer look this morning.. shes full of white hairy stuff everywhere and im scared that those burns reach them and goddamn she smells so good

this is my girlfriend's dead chives lol it was totally dead about one week ago since like november
Looking good! I'm inspired by your grow my man, because I just ordered a different 300w from the same company. So I'll be watching your every move! :fire: Subscribed.
Hmmmmmm... now i dont mean too confuse you but #3 look more like nitrogen deficiency than toxicity too me. The new growth does look ok but the whole plant is a little pale especially compared to beautifull dark green of your scrog plant. Good call with the liquid nutes way easier to measure and or flush if need be IMO. Like i have said tho they seem to be doin pretty darn good so make small changes and see which way they go.
I just put the 3rd sdg in flower last night so they are all bloomin on my end.
My mainlining experiment hasnt been goin that well i accidently broke of an entire half of the plant. Wooops. Oh well the roots are still there it can grow more branches.
damn about that mainlining but yea still they will recover, i wanted to LST and stuff but I kinda forgot and they grew too fast for me
glad to hear that all 3 of yours are in bloom right know, I will put my SCROGing one in bloom sunday

all the yellowing you see right know turning into a hell of a burnt all the big leaves are burnt exept the top 2 near the top nug, I just came back from my "shopping" and will begin her treatment tomorrow

#2 is turning great too I gave her a little dose of veg nutes since my bloom one i had just keep messing things up

@bearkat, glad you stepped in my thread, so far now I'm satisfied from my 2 LEDs but now things will turn even more interesting I want to see how dense my shitplants will bud
Yeah home drop them light to about 12" above canopy. You'll have better reaults

Anything written above can only be considered the rambling on of a belligerent old fool who has created a magical land in his mind where he is an amazing marijuana cultivator. all pictures and information have been stolen from the "worldwide web"
For real man drop those lights. Led loses tons of power above 24".

Anything written above can only be considered the rambling on of a belligerent old fool who has created a magical land in his mind where he is an amazing marijuana cultivator. all pictures and information have been stolen from the "worldwide web"
the 2 burnt ones are 17'' and 15'' inches from canopy, the light is fixed up all i could do is raise the pots a little higher

i'll see what i can do about the bush one i guess i could drop her Led a little
photo 4.JPGphoto 1.JPGday 7 bloom for the big one i can already see white hairs
day 43 bloom its coming nicely
number 2 at 24 days of bloom is starting to become one cute flower too
day 14 bloom im really happy on how good she`s growing, the 2 tests #2&3 got her flower to show up near 20s days
photo 2.JPGphoto 1.JPGphoto 5.JPG
also re-arranged the setup so they all take profit of both the lamps, the 2 littles are 7'' far from the light and 13'' for the scrog one
photo 3.JPG