Dinafem Sweet Deep Grapefruit 300w LED + ghetto


Active Member
pretty good for the scrog one but the #2 and 3 wont be giving me much lol oh well anyways they were test plants
how about your grow man hope everythings alright

day 34 bloom
photo 1(2).JPG
day 53 bloom, she must be done soon
photo 2(2).JPG
day 17 bloom, she already has her nugs as big as #2 , started trimming her kind of late for the scrog
photo 2(1).JPGphoto 3(1).JPGphoto 4(2).JPGphoto 5(1).JPGphoto 1(1).JPG

thinking about trimming some more again


Well-Known Member
Hey man even if you dont pull much off of em at least you gained experience for the next one.
I have been pretty busy lately, just realized that my sweet deep is at 9 weeks from flip already just started flushing with plain ro water yesterday. Mine looks like it can stand to go another week or two anyway trichs are about half clear half cloudy. Here is a couple pics

I did some pretty extensive fan leaf trimming 2 or 3 times thru flower. It may slow the plant down a little but it definatley helps develop bigger buds IMO.
my room is rocking now that the envirement is dialed in.
SDG has def proven itself again so far growth has been great on all 3. I put a holy grail kush into 12/12 sametime as my oldest sdg and it is no where close to being done. That strain is a 10+ weeker appearently. Cant wait to taste it really hopin i get some grapefruity goodness in one of these phenos.
Anyway lookin good dude our buds are very similiar in formation and color it looks like ( the is led in the background of my pics kinda throws off color)


Active Member
damn nice plants and yeah ill try to make it more of a organised grow and stealthy next time

thanks for talking about ur fan leaves trimming i think ill trim my scrog a little more to keep everything above the net, i got disappointed i had to cut off 2 main stems since they couldnt reach the net but oh well

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
damn nice plants and yeah ill try to make it more of a organised grow and stealthy next time

thanks for talking about ur fan leaves trimming i think ill trim my scrog a little more to keep everything above the net, i got disappointed i had to cut off 2 main stems since they couldnt reach the net but oh well
Do not trim fan leafs. If anything tuck out of the way. Fan leafs not only are the "solar panels" providing energy they are also where ALL of the stomata are located for carbon fixation. The less surface area of fan leafs, the less carbon that can be fixed through RuBisCo. The lesser amounts of carbon equate to less growth. Carbon alone is what attributes to the mass of ANY plant. Not the nutrients or additives, carbon! I promise you that trimming will do you absolutely no favors. Like I said if you are trying to reduce shade tuck them, don't cut. You'll reduce photosynthesis relative to the amount you remove, you will increase transpiration until the plant heals and seals, and reduce your C02 uptake approximately equal to the percentage of leafs removed.


Active Member
Do not trim fan leafs. If anything tuck out of the way. Fan leafs not only are the "solar panels" providing energy they are also where ALL of the stomata are located for carbon fixation. The less surface area of fan leafs, the less carbon that can be fixed through RuBisCo. The lesser amounts of carbon equate to less growth. Carbon alone is what attributes to the mass of ANY plant. Not the nutrients or additives, carbon! I promise you that trimming will do you absolutely no favors. Like I said if you are trying to reduce shade tuck them, don't cut. You'll reduce photosynthesis relative to the amount you remove, you will increase transpiration until the plant heals and seals, and reduce your C02 uptake approximately equal to the percentage of leafs removed.
thanks for passing by and for dropping that,
im sure that trimming the lower parts of a scrog plants like under the net helps alot but what you say is right what im thinking about the leaves, I noticed it when all the leaves of my 2 little girls were burnt up to the veins and i cut em off i felt bad because in my opinion all leaves on a plants are like what you said ''solar panels'' even tho my mate is saying the opposite

didnt know much about the carbon stuff but theres shit thats happening and im not even aware of, lol like always and for everybody

''You'll reduce photosynthesis relative to the amount you remove'' that is catchy

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
thanks for passing by and for dropping that,
im sure that trimming the lower parts of a scrog plants like under the net helps alot but what you say is right what im thinking about the leaves, I noticed it when all the leaves of my 2 little girls were burnt up to the veins and i cut em off i felt bad because in my opinion all leaves on a plants are like what you said ''solar panels'' even tho my mate is saying the opposite

didnt know much about the carbon stuff but theres shit thats happening and im not even aware of, lol like always and for everybody

''You'll reduce photosynthesis relative to the amount you remove'' that is catchy
Trimming under the net really don't give you any benefits, if just trimming fan leafs. Though if you have some secondary growth under the net that's obscured by light removing those small bud sites may help. Though not sure with LED, I have some buddies that are telling me their popcorn was eliminated. Guess I'll see when this LED run is done. But with HPS for sure if you clean up the lower bud sites that will help a little, and reduce the hassle of trimming all that sparse stuff up. Now with the burned up crispy leaves, remove those they are useless at that point. Also, they are a point for contamination. Burnt up leaves are more likely to become a source of mold that could then introduce budrot.


Active Member
well unfortunately i trimmed all the little bud sites and the fan leaves before you posted your first post
im still a big noob tho and when I seen more white hairs growing out at even lower spots of the first little bud sites under the net, i just felt like trimming everything

anyways its good to know ^^ will take notes and see, i'll probably test it out on 2 other plants next grow, one with everything on and one with only bud sites trimmed


Well-Known Member
There are conflicting schools of thought to trimming and different ways to do it. If growing outdoors i say let em go as nature intended. Imo trimming or defoliating can be extremely beneficial inbthe right circumstances. However my situation isnt the same as yours pthang i grow in hydro and when the plants are growing well they can fully recover from extensive defoliation within 2 or 3 days with more leafs than it had before.
BUT! My reasons for trimming are to increase airflow and eliminate lower growth to allow the plant to focus on growing where i want it to which is in the canopy closest to the "sweet spot" where light intensity is strongest without burning tops. I try to create a flat canopy 18" from my light. Also in my experience buds become larger and denser in direct light and less so when shaded by fan leaves.
Skunky is right about carbon it is the building blocks that plant material is created from. A plant can use all the carbon surrounding a leaf in a matter of minutes and that carbon will not replinish in stagnent air, airflow is critical which is a big reason for my trimming. Hydro plants get dense fast.
I disagree with your blanket statement that trimin fans should never be done. For you pthang at this stage i dont think trimming fans would do any good or at least no more good than harm.
Also i stop taking fans off once stretch in flower is over. And i dont trim every plant only those that i feel need it.
Not trying to start an arguement about defoliating just stating why and how i use it.


Well-Known Member
Just reread ur post skunky and yeah forgot to say that trimming fans under the net wont effect much, but removing budsites under the net will help eliminate popcorn larfy buds. Same as other trimminng tho stop before to far into flower it just slows down ur plant

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
There are conflicting schools of thought to trimming and different ways to do it. If growing outdoors i say let em go as nature intended. Imo trimming or defoliating can be extremely beneficial inbthe right circumstances. However my situation isnt the same as yours pthang i grow in hydro and when the plants are growing well they can fully recover from extensive defoliation within 2 or 3 days with more leafs than it had before.
BUT! My reasons for trimming are to increase airflow and eliminate lower growth to allow the plant to focus on growing where i want it to which is in the canopy closest to the "sweet spot" where light intensity is strongest without burning tops. I try to create a flat canopy 18" from my light. Also in my experience buds become larger and denser in direct light and less so when shaded by fan leaves.
Skunky is right about carbon it is the building blocks that plant material is created from. A plant can use all the carbon surrounding a leaf in a matter of minutes and that carbon will not replinish in stagnent air, airflow is critical which is a big reason for my trimming. Hydro plants get dense fast.
I disagree with your blanket statement that trimin fans should never be done. For you pthang at this stage i dont think trimming fans would do any good or at least no more good than harm.
Also i stop taking fans off once stretch in flower is over. And i dont trim every plant only those that i feel need it.
Not trying to start an arguement about defoliating just stating why and how i use it.
Just reread ur post skunky and yeah forgot to say that trimming fans under the net wont effect much, but removing budsites under the net will help eliminate popcorn larfy buds. Same as other trimminng tho stop before to far into flower it just slows down ur plant
Agree 100%. I believe though that new comers shouldn't really do any trimming unless to remove dead dying leaf matter. Just because they can go a little over board. Trimming in my opinion and experience, much like your own, can be fine balance. Little easier to do and do right with some experience. But good point on airflow, I know I've seen some places that had super dense foliage and not a lot of air movement through it. Could see that being helpful for some.


Well-Known Member
Good point skunky Ive been at this a while and still go overboard once and a while its easy to get lost snipoing away then all of a sudden you have a charlie brown christmas weed. Hey pthang hope thangs are good. Im choppin sdg #1 this weekend ill try and get some harvest pics if your interested


Well-Known Member
What happened pthang did you give up on this thread?! Heres a sweet deep grapefruit moments before the chop for anyone who is interested I know there isnt much info on this strain out there

5 gallon dwc month veg under led 9 -10ish weeks flower under 1000w hps. If i had to guess based on experience id say somewhere in the 3 oz range likely more we will see.
Any way hope your doin brotha peace


Active Member
damn nice that is really sweet, i was off kinda for a while and my girl started showing mag def, i used calmag but shit didnt really helped. now i got some orange hair showing up
day 31 of flowering i think were at now

harvested my first girl last week was a fail for the yeild but i was quite happy of the high,didnt take pic of the first buds but will do for the next ones

beginning of april and mid april goes the 2 last girls


Active Member
day 33 flowering, sadly the deficience rapidly took over
day 49 flowering

and this was a pre-cured bud of the first girl i harvested with pre harvest


Active Member
so i cut off 2 stems of my 2nd plant, tried to make some ice cold hash and to do my very first cure, the hash failed probably because of the low amount of trims i had and the process how ive done it

while on the other side the curing is soo fucking awesome i mean when the little bud was cured it wasnt smelling that much but when i grinded it holy shit...
felt like ive put some sweet mangos and blueberries in my grinder.. this is one of the best fruity shit i smoked so far, ill definatively grow more of them SDG's in the future

here are some pics, yeah missing 2stems too and the buds are pretty small but god damn im so happy i managed to harvest the 2 bad growed plants and it turned out better than most weed i smoked so far.. might be bad trimmed but i have the feeling im trimming too much sometimes


on other note my mate has started to harvest his plants too some ladyburns and mobidick i think
i tasted his mobidick and his weed was so fine for his 2nd grow, i wonder what people do to have brown shitty weed or decent looking with harsh smoke for the lungs, not like im looking to make it up but i managed quite few times to have only that kind of weed in my disposition


Well-Known Member
Looks good... mine is more of an indica pheno .... the leaves are fatter.... I got a couple more days before I switch the lights..... once I get some buds on her I will put some pics up. Did she smell during flowering?? have you smoked her yet?? how sweet is she? and how is the high?


Active Member
it doesnt smell that much in flowering stage, not recommanded to cover the smell but its easy to do so, i've got a little air purifier taking care of it

i did smoke her yet, the cured bud smells good but not that loud, once u grind it u really smell the sweetness and fruits in it and the smoke is really good, gives me a nice body high like i enjoy them and gives me sticky eyes

i got about 2 weeks left, april 5th it will be at 55 days i could harvest, its the day before my birthday but if im not in a hurry because of moving out i might let it go for one more week

my mate harvested about 20 ladyburns and mobidick alltogether as 2nd growth ever in a 8'x8' tent i think with a 400 hps, he boosted them all up with all kind of pricy nutes you find in a smoker shop and to be honest i really like my sweet deep grapefruit growed up with 2 china ebay 300w LED in the closet with miracle grow nutes

just hopping to get a good yield on this last girl


Active Member
thinking about harvesting pretty soon probably even before the estimated time which should be near the 4th-5th of april in one week...

but she looks pretty ready to me at day 47 of bloom (yesterday) unfortunately i dont have magnifying lens

day47.JPGday471.JPGday473.JPGday47 overall.JPG


Well-Known Member
Looking good!!! I would leave it for a couple of more days if you can. I just flipped the lights on mine, cant wait for them to start budding.....