Dinner Art

I made some burritos for dinner. I use green chili, garlic, beef, salt and pepper.


Those are New Mexico green chilis that we roasted. They still need to be de-seeded and peeled. For this amount of meat I use three cloves of garlic.


Chili de-seeded and peeled. Garlic peeled.


Garlic and chili is finely minced.


Use a non-stick pot (preheated to medium heat).


Crumble the meat as you put in hot pot. Cook meat for at least a minute before adding minced chili and garlic.


Chop up the meat as you cook it like you're making taco meat. Finely chopped. Salt and pepper to taste at this point.


Warm up some tortillas and butter them lightly.


Add your meat mixture.


Roll it up and enjoy. ¡Delicioso!


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Looks good Phillip. Got a recipe for that? The dough mix, cooking temp/time? Thanks!

For the crust I like the packet of powder that mixes with hot water. No need to over work the dough either. Just mix until workable and form into a ball let sit in the bowl on top of the stove while it preheats to 425. Cover the bowl with a hand towel will help the rising action also. After 10-20 minutes toss and stretch the dough and place on a greased pizza pan. I have a pizza pan that has lots of little holes in it that works great. You could sprinkle the greased cookie sheet with a little corn meal before laying the dough down for an extra touch.

With the dough on the pan use your fingers and palm to push it out evenly just a little bigger than the pan. Fold over the outer edge to form a crust. I like to spice of the crust with things like garlic powder, cajun spice, or even just course salt depending on the type of pie. Now place it in the oven on the bottom rack. Times will vary depending on oven and exact pan used but start with 5 minutes and if it is cooked enough to flip it over easy then do so. Cook until it is just starting to brown up then take it out. Flip the dough back over so your crust is back on the top and slap some sauce on topping on it and back in on the bottom rack until the cheese is bubbling and the bottom of the crust is nice and crispy but not black. It is best to just stand watch in the later stages since thing tend to happen rather quickly.

I suggest making all kinds of pizzas. Go crazy and use different toppings and substitute out the sauce for BBQ, Alfredo, or anything else really. Use no sauce make just a nice cheese and bacon pizza. Let it cool a little and spread with a thin layer of mayo, top with shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes for a BLT pizza. It is limitless and delicious. I think it might be time to shut up for a minute and let someone else speak.

Going to eat left over pizza now! LMAO
