Dinosaurs are still here.


New Member
Is there anything an eagle can't hunt down? dang!!


The poster misnamed it... it's a sheep, not a deer... :wink: (city ppl!)


Well-Known Member
holy shit. that was about the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life.


stays relevant.
I came to this thread really hoping to leave with something to throw in the faces of those crazy christians too...


Well-Known Member
I heard that's birds were once Dinos too.

Yeah man, my pet wild bird (bluejay) reminds me of a miniature airborne raptor or something, it's crazy.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
in WA bald eagles grab kids all the time. This one grabbed a kid and took off so the hunter/ redneck pulled out his gun and shot it as it carried away his kid. Lol, the dude went to jail, in USA yu dont fuck with the bald eagle, lol. There are 10000000s of them all over WA, they are there like in the #s of pigeons!


New Member
Exactly.... birds are dinosaurs in a way..... they survived and evolved. Not all the dino's disappeared... :wink:

Here's another.... eagle literally picks the deer up off the ground and body slams it...



Well-Known Member
Because they say the closest relatives to dinosaurs are birds dude.
in my opinion, crocodiles resemble dinosaurs more, but hey, this ain't my thread lol ...

alot of different species of animals have very intriguing styles of hunting so they must be related very closely to dinosaurs...:roll:


New Member
Looks like isn't scientific though. Alli's and croc's are reptiles.

Birds have a DIRECT link back to dinosaurs.


Well-Known Member
crocs are believed to be more than 200 million years old while dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago ... it not only looks like a dinosaur


New Member
crocs are believed to be more than 200 million years old while dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago ... it not only looks like a dinosaur
Longevity has nothing to do with it. It's about genetics and bloodlines. Reptiles are related to dino's but are NOT dino's. The eagle is closer to a dino than an alligator

i heard that loons are prehistoric
No, they're still around as you can see... :lol: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Longevity has nothing to do with it. It's about genetics and bloodlines. Reptiles are related to dino's but are NOT dino's. The eagle is closer to a dino than an alligator

No, they're still around as you can see... :lol: :wink:
call me close minded ... but no matter what you say, a crocodile is closer than any bird to a dinosaur in my eyes ...

crocs were alive when dinosaurs roamed the earth ... therefore they are dinosaurs

eagles are related to dino's but are NOT dino's

birds evolved from theropods in the jurassic era ... crocodiles evolved from crocodiles ...

i don't know if i can make this any more simpler for you