Dippin in the Kool Aid?


Active Member
Ive heard tell of people actually going as far as to mix koolaid to their plants water supply or another food coloring alternative in order to produce buds with strong purple, red, and orange tinges. Is this just an Urban Grower legend or tried and true practice?

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
this is tried and true practice . . . actually try food coloring cuz thats what im doing but ofcourse you gotta use the non toxic food coloring


Active Member
Well imagine if i have two sacks to sell. One thats straight seni kind bud and another just as potent but PURPLE?!!?! *sniff* smells like a 350$ oz to me ;)


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it works... But the Koolaid can't be too bad to water with. It is made up of sugars and plants love sugar! Try it out on one...


Well-Known Member
does this really work? fuck if it does i'm trying it, ppl freak the fuck out for purple (or any color really besides green or brown) weed. i guarantee i could jack the prices up and sell twice as much if it had colors for the same exact shit. thats crazy. could somebody explain exactly how to do it.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
haha i posted a similar thread to this one like a month or two ago . . . called diff color weed . . . but yeah i basically thought of it because i wanted to sell for more off of bag seed lmao . . i wanna try to get some red buds like a redish greenish

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
haha grow rainbow weed for fags . . lmao . . yeah go search the thread <different colored weed??> it might be informing and i see a guy in that thread said something about non toxic food coloring . . so its not my fault i said that . . ever since then it just stayed inmy head lol

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
yes food coloring works did you go to the thread i i posted <different colored weed??> im in the process of changing the color this comming up month. . . and im gonna use what ever color i like and how much ever it takes to distort the water just right . . basically you gotta ye that shit out . . and i wouldnt try this with your whole crop .. just in case something goes terribly wrong . . . im only gonna do it with one plant . . and if it goes well im gonna try it with more. . . so its all up too you


Well-Known Member
yea tru that i'm gonna try it with one plant too and see if it works. if it does i'll do it with my whole crop unless i decide to step up and buy some seeds next time. i would only suggest doing this with bag seeds tho, there's no point fucking around with an already good strain. but damn if this works good-$$$$$


Well-Known Member
hey make sure u let us know how it goes mr. greenthumb. i'll let u know about mine too. do u wait until they start flowering to do this or a few wks b4 u pick them or wat, i'm gonna start flowering in about two weeks.


Well-Known Member
so are you going to lie to everyone and tell them it's purple grandad. this sounds like unfair buisness practice. good thing i only purchase my weed from a REPUTABLE source.
oh, and yes it does work. trim off a branch and leave it in a cup with 1/4" of food coloring in the bottom. i put mine in the fridge overnight. the next day i had blue weed, orange weed, red weed and yellow weed. didn't you ever die a flower as a kid?