Well-Known Member
Your soil reciepe turned out great dirrtyd. About to chop here this week. thanks again.
Glad that it worked out for you please come by and give us a smoke report. Well I found another male possible two today one Blackwater , and a mixed seed from Cali connection. Most of the seedlings are showing there sex by the ninth node. Making things alot easier there will be no wasted holes this year. I should be done sexing all seedlings by the end of the month. Then I will take cuttings to have a mother of each strain. keepem green dirrtydYour soil reciepe turned out great dirrtyd. About to chop here this week. thanks again.
I water the plants twice a day at the moment. Remember these holes get sun all day unless it is cloudy. I only water the perimeter of the hole at the moment. The Zapper I forgot I had it in the garage was cleaning and found it. They do make a difference for sure. thanks for the stopping by. I will try and keep them in bushes this year. keepem green dirrtydEverythings looking healthy over there DD
how often do you have to water the medi and ogxbb (in the hole)
And how much for the bug zapper ?
Gotta get me one of those
Keep it up bro
Good lucking out for Kush. It is worth it to run that cord. All they kill is a bonus for sure. dirrtydKush those zappers are anywhere from $30 up and you can get them at Lowes, OSH, or Home Depot. I saw a few over the weekend but getting power over there will be a pain for me.
Looking good DD.Everything is looking green and healthy as expected.
Really now? The bay is weird (in contrast).When do they finish?I usually dont put them out after March or they will not finish in my eyes. Some of the gurls I will be working with this year. enjoy comments welcome.
Thanks for that ABM well I have a medi male he little though. I could use a cut since they finish so fast. Trust me I will clone the dickens out of it. That way can get a december crop out of her too. You may be better giving the clone the spot especially if it just rooted. keepem green dirrtydGreat updates D! I have a few medi clones to spare btw. I am attempting to reveg my mother since she stayed small. I don't think that she has grown much since I have had her. Well enough to take the few cuttings that I took I guess.