Disabled Vet with leukemia looking for Northern CA area to live and grow



I am a disabled Vet on social security and VA disability with leukemia and some other issues related to the gulf war.
I am looking for a nice quite place in northern CA preferably within an hour's drive of a VA hospital.

I don't have much money so would need to grow my own and I wanted to find the most marijuana friendly place in that area.
I would have to do an indoor grow and am hoping there are possibly places up there I could rent that would be ok with that.
I am currently on lots of pain meds morphine, oxy, anti depressants, clonazpan, Chemotherapy that is permanent if you stop the chemo the cancer comes back and you die so that means sick forever.
Anyways that's my situation and I am hoping some people can give me some good information on possible places to live or where and how to find someone to rent from that is ok with all this.

If i posted this in the wrong area sorry new to board.


Any ideas what rents are I make a grand total of 1700 month and I really want a clean quite place thats not in a crime ridden area.
It doesnt have to be big or pretty just clean and quite and of course OK with me have a small legal grow closet space size.


Well-Known Member
The face of MMJ is changing in Sacramento. I wouldn't move to this area just yet. Over the last 2 years this area has been slowly losing dispensaries and banning outdoor growing. Some areas are talking about making you register with the county for indoor grows forcing us all to do it illegally. :( I would say look for a place that you can get VA assistance easily and worry about MMJ second.

Also I read this article last night and thought that it may be something you want to look into.



Thing is I have been on treatment for 3 years and my mind and body just cant take the drugs they are giving me anymore.
Im so close to just stopping the Chemo and justing riding it out till the end but thats probably not a topic for this thread lol.

But I sure dont want to move somewhere where its just going to turn into a big pain in the ass to grow so thanks for info.


Well-Known Member
You should move to the Riverside area here in Socal. Only an hour away from LA but far out enough that you can have space.


It looks like there is a VA Loma Linda thats near riverside right?
Any idea what rents are down there and whats the attitude towards MMJ and renters?


Well-Known Member
It looks like there is a VA Loma Linda thats near riverside right?
Any idea what rents are down there and whats the attitude towards MMJ and renters?
In Socal, MMJ is pretty accepted. The police are pretty tolerant and understanding in most cases. Rent is pretty good.


Ok anyone know of a good way to find a MMJ friendly place to rent.
Craiglists seems kinda of an iffy way to do it is there another website or some better way to look for a place.
I dont want to be renting a place and have the landlord call the cops on me.


Well-Known Member
I do not have any idea about VA hospitals I am afraid but my advice is Humboldt and not because of whatever any outsiders have heard- last I was there they were trying real hard to crack down on indoor grows but they really can't because that place is brimming with folks who protest and fight over anything and everything they find wrong with the world which I love -but I am recommending it because it is the only place I know of in Cali you could rent a decent place to grow under a grand, I paid $750 not that many years back for decent pad I grew in and they have this amazing non profit called Medical Mobile or Mobile Medical which is free and my Dr at least there was the best ever and of course the peeps as I said outclass most of the country... I wish you the best! :peace:


I really dont care but a house would be easier for a grow i guess.
The problem is I am on disability so 1700 a month is all I make and that must cover all my bills housing medical food ,etc.


Well-Known Member
I really dont care but a house would be easier for a grow i guess.
The problem is I am on disability so 1700 a month is all I make and that must cover all my bills housing medical food ,etc.
Look on Craigslist to get a general idea of how much rent costs in the area


Well-Known Member
I live in LA and 1700 wud be enuf for me to get by. Thats a 1 bedroom apt plus bills and gas.


Well-Known Member
You can find places out here in riverside county for around 1200-1300 bucks for a house. The key is finding a place with privacy so you can do a small outdoor grow.

Also if you are a cancer patient and move out to the riverside area...once you get your doctors rec and get legal I'd happily though someone that's terminally ill some free stuff here and there. That's what the whole mmj system is really all about right? Helping each other out?


Does anyone have any input on maybe a mobile home in a park would that be good way to live and grow for cheap or would the mobile home park thing lead to problems?
And if anyone has a like a guest house or something like that and are MMJ users growers I would be a great tenant quite always pay my bills on time, dont smoke, drink or party 41 years old male.
Worked all my life had everything and then lost it all when i got sick went form 50k a year job house to nothing.
Anyways just throwing that out there and trying to gather as much information as I can so I dont make a stupid decision and end up worse off then I am now.

And just want to say dont ever get sick in this health care system casue if you do you are screwed.
My Chemotherapy medication cost $6000 a month not 600 6000 so think about paying 20% of that like most insurances cover=bankruptcy you lose everything lol.
The VA pays for mine which is the only reason im still alive.

Sorry dont mean to make a bummer thread.
I do live with my X-wife rent free so dont feel sorry for me just looking to change things she is a x-wife for a reason lol.


Well-Known Member
LA City would not be a good place for you right now. They just approved a ban on dispensaries. I believe LA county is unaffected however.


Well-Known Member
Yea LA city has alot of resources and stuff, but its kinda fast paced. Thats why I suggested an LA suburb like Riverside.


Active Member
You would be best advised to check with other patients in the "VA" program.
I know of one person with terminal cancer who was pulled because he failed a drug test.

I know little or nothing more then that, he had been taken off the liver transplant list when he used cannabis for his suffering.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could give you an answer but I am new to this myself.


I hope you can find the peace you deserve.