Discolored leaves... N or mag deficiency?

I'm still having an issue with idea this is a 3:2:1 ratio method when the grower writes stuff like this: N101.4, P38, K171.
That's not 321, unless I'm missing something here.
The 3 2 1 formula is based on a 3 part nutrient system. The 3 2 1 is the ratio you use these (3) parts at; So if you use 6 total cups of nutrient, (3) will be made up of Part A, (2) will be made up of Part B and (1) will be made up of Part C. The 3 2 1 is not indicative of the NPK ratio.
well crap, why didn't you say so earlier? If that's the case, why write it like you have done? It's confusing. Never mind, don't answer. Maybe we should just stop here.