Discoloring of leaves... Pics Included... Pls help!

Ok I'm running in fox farm ocean forest soil... With sesni grow a and b as well as fox farm nutes... A few days ago i noticed some burns on the leaves from over ferting, so i backed off and for the last couple feedings have only given them ph'd water ~7.0 .... Now I have noticed some pale speckled spots towards the outside of the leaves... What does this look like to you guys???



Well-Known Member
hi , no expert here but id try dropping your ph to 6.5 (test run off aswell) and feed again if worried give 1/2 strength,and see how they react, how long have they been in the soil before you started to feed? and how long since your last feed?

the chin

Well-Known Member
flush your plants repot into big pots 15 litre if possible use good soil ph water to 6 and dont go near them for at least 5 to 6 weeks with any nutes and ye should b fine
I started feeding about 2 weeks after sprouted. Its been almost a week since their last nuted feeding... I am going to try a slightly lower PH mix, and hold off nuting for another watering or two.... I will repot into bigger pots when the plants aproach 9 inches. Thanks guys!.. Any more feedback??

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The issue you seem to be having is related to lockout of elements like Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium. The problem may have passed if the issue is not getting any worse.

Focus on stabilizing the pH of the media and eliminating any residual buildup. Sensi A+B isn't really an organic nutrient and IMO is not suited to soil in the slightest so I'd recommend maybe saving that until you get into hydro.

It would be a good idea to top dress the soil with some crush dolomite garden lime and water through that at 6.5 pH. The lime will provide micro nutrients to the plant and create a cal-mag pH buffer to help keep pH swings to a minimum. I would use 1tsp of crushed lime per gallon of media spread around the top.

Don't do anything drastic at this point. Just focus on the new growth and keeping the pH, calcium, and magnesium levels in balance. Avoid the nutrients made from salts and find yourself some organics for bloom. The FFOF should have enough food in it for several weeks of life, if not, then you can always top dress with a little organic compost and water through to provide your microbes with a boost.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Top of the plant looks iron deficient.

You probably should flush the media, balance the pH, and top dress. I didn't think you needed the flush before seeing the top of the plant, but I definitely think you need it now.
I tested water at 6.5 and watered today (soil moisture meter teseted 2) I am ordering ph test strips in a couple days for my soil.. I will update at a later date with more pics
These pictures were taken the next morning after a 6.5 ph'd watering. (No nutes) I'm curious how much longer i should continue the strait 6.5 watering until i add more fox farm nutes? Any advice? If i should keep flushing, how often should i be drenching my soil? Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
It's just toasted from nutes. Leave it alone. Ocean Forest hardly needs any nutes (if any at all) during veg if you're going a month or less. Flush it with 6.5 water and STEP AWAY FROM THE NUTE BOTTLE.
Lol alright, I will continue nursing my girls with fresh 6.5 Ph'd water until they catch their balance back again. Thanks for the input guys.. Will update later with my progress..