discouraging slugs the nice to the environment way


Active Member

I have 4 plants outside.
I dislike chemicals, but one of my plants(the smallest one) has no leaves left!
I have a bottle of anti-slug stuff that Iam supposed to squeeze around the plants in a circle, the idea is that slugs wont want to cross it.
My outdoor growing place is next to a river and I often see owls, snakes, feral cats, frogs, and even foxes nearby. That is why I dont want to use slug pellets.

Apart from the anti slug gunk I have already used what else can I use that wont kill any wildlife?

I would rather my plants died than any creatures did.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i have always buried a cup right up flush with the rim. fill it half full of beer and cover most of the cup opening with a peice of tree bark. of course it will kill the slugs but they go out happy and drunk. you need to replace the beer every day or 2 and after a rain. eventually you will get fewer and fewer slugs and none on your plants.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Nice one, I seem to recall seeing something about the beer method on the TV years ago.

I'll try it tomorrow.
great good luck. you may need to put out a couple of cups on either end of the garden depending on how bad the slug problem is.
i have also heard but never tried is a length of bare copper wire going around the plants on the ground. the slugs wont cross the wire. i think i need to try the wire and see.


Well-Known Member
Nice one, I seem to recall seeing something about the beer method on the TV years ago.

I'll try it tomorrow.
There are a couple of ways to kill slugs without harming any animals or the environment. Use slug bait like Sluggo which is safe for animals. Also a line of diatomaceous earth around the plants will prevent slugs/snails from crossing the line. The last is a trap made out of a drinking water bottle from freddiemoney:

"I cut the top of the bottles off, flipped them over and pushed them back in and filled it up about a third of the way with frozen Fruitopia grape juice concentrate. Worked like a charm! "

The third way is one of my favorite. There are these killer snails called decollate snails. They eat the snails and their eggs. I love them. Do not use snail bait around them or it wil kill them. Hope this helps. :bigjoint:

Fallen Buckshot

ive heard eggshells or copper wire are also safe snail deterrents
Put some salt in a circle around the plant.
I wouldn't use salt, it could damage the plants.

I use coffee grounds in my beds, and eggshells. They turn into fertilizer and the slugs and snails HATE it, and the MJ loves it.

:] Good luck! I am glad you care about the environment, most people will just throw it out there and forget the consequences.


Well-Known Member
There are a couple of ways to kill slugs without harming any animals or the environment. Use slug bait like Sluggo which is safe for animals. Also a line of diatomaceous earth around the plants
Yeah, this.

I do both so those sons of bitches leave my hosta plants alone.


Active Member

I only check these outdoor plants once a week, but I appear to have solved the slug problem.
I bought some stuff (whos name eludes me) that is nice to the environment, and it really works. It comes in a clear gel which one uses to describe circles around the plants.
Or if the plants are bigger it can be used to make a circle of gel around the actual stalk.

The slug problem was so bad, before I used the stuff, that 2 of my 2 week old plants had all their leaves eaten off and then died.
I used the gel and when I checked a week later there had been no further slug predations.

Success! And the wildlife didn't suffer!

