Discrimination and Stigmatization of MMJ Patients


Well-Known Member
Why is it that mmj patient rights are ignored and violated on a regular basis with absolutely no repercussions? Sometimes it is innocent, people still stuck in the reefer madness days, other times deliberate and malicious, but most often it is complete ignorance of mmj laws. You can understand individuals not being up to date with the ever changing rules (even I'm confused most days) but what gets me is businesses, large corporations and organizations and especially government agencies who are completely fucking clueless, or just don't give a shit.Or both.
I'm interested in hearing about other patients' experiences to compare to my own. I've had a few memorable incidents, and a new one that arrived yesterday and got my interest. One that stands out in my mind was in the emergency room after I had a seizure, and some snot nosed doctor wannabe asked my wife if I had taken any meds. She told him I only use medical marijuana. I listened to him mocking me to the nurses and other doctors for the next hour. He sounded like a fucking 8 year old...I told him so, didn't go over well! As a lot of you know, I am the caretaker at at Scout camp and I went through a huge year long production about being able to use my medicine in my home on the property. Turned out Scouts did not have a mmj policy and after a big song and dance, almost resulting in me being fired, I was tasked with creating a policy for them. The end result was having my private information released into the hands of Canada's largest organized gossip group. The harassment has gotten so bad, I found another job, and will be moving in a week. Which brings me to my latest find. My new job also comes with a residence, and my contract says I am required to buy tenant insurance. I decided to use the same company the property is insured by and set up the policy by phone. When the papers arrived in the mail yesterday to be signed, I found a 'one-liner' just above where I sign that raised an immediate WTF.
Absolute Exclusion
"It is warranted by you, that there is no marijuana activity or illegal substance activity on the premises"

What in the fuck is a 'marijuana activity'? I can guess they are protecting themselves against damage from grows, but it doesn't state that. They can't restrict marijuana use on the property, particularly medical, simply because they insure my contents. What can be classified as a 'marijuana activity' to allow them to void any claim? Typing on this forum could be considered a 'marijuana activity'. I have never had tenant insurance before and maybe this is normal in BC, but that don't make it right. I am just going to sign and shut up, as I don't want to jeopardize my new job, but I would love to ask for an explanation.
Anyone else had similar experiences?
Wow....you get em all eh chris? lol...I would tend to think it wouldn't apply to medical but I am just guessing...
I'm pretty sure it is directed at grows, as there would be absolutely no legal grounds otherwise. It just strikes me as odd that an insurance company wouldn't have a lawyer with enough brain power to realize a blanket statement like that isn't going to stand up.Maybe he/she was baked...it is the Island,after all! There was no mention of marijuana on the phone, my new employer has no idea, so it's a generic clause I'm guessing.
if you have any issues with it like them trying to fire you or not insure you, take it and your paperwork to your MP. there's no other medication clauses on there i am guessing.
i could understand if they wrote "illegal marijuana" that would make sense but since you are legal, you are not doing anything illegal
they try to hit patients from all angles...disgusting
I would probably say you would be seeing a lot of those types of things in BC especially. ... comes with the territory.... and because laws never keep up with reality I'm sure it was not directed at you personally. Because it never mentions medical your good to fucking go... because we all know medical mariwanna is different than regular mariwanna right?
I would probably say you would be seeing a lot of those types of things in BC especially. ... comes with the territory.... and because laws never keep up with reality I'm sure it was not directed at you personally. Because it never mentions medical your good to fucking go... because we all know medical mariwanna is different than regular mariwanna right?
Yah, they say that regular mariwanna causes psychosis, and shit...I'm stickin' with the medical.
And of course with anything medical you are not required to devulge any info unless you give them permission in writing
Are we talking about my current situation or my new employment? I don't plan on divulging anything with the new job, and especially not to an insurance company . I didn't have a choice at the scout camp...after I was caught,I had to prove I was legal. They handled it extremely poorly and what should have been between a handful of people became common knowledge.
Are we talking about my current situation or my new employment? I don't plan on divulging anything with the new job, and especially not to an insurance company . I didn't have a choice at the scout camp...after I was caught,I had to prove I was legal. They handled it extremely poorly and what should have been between a handful of people became common knowledge.
You've been wronged in many ways imo. Good you've moved on to better pastures.
Are we talking about my current situation or my new employment? I don't plan on divulging anything with the new job, and especially not to an insurance company . I didn't have a choice at the scout camp...after I was caught,I had to prove I was legal. They handled it extremely poorly and what should have been between a handful of people became common knowledge.
i wouldn't say anything as you are only using. if you were growing i'd say you might want to let them know for safety. you can fight it if you get fired...but do you want to?
that's the problem I see. you have your paperwork saying you can use it medically but a lot of people don't get that. it's perfectly OK to work there if you are strung out on pharma but don't you dare use the "demon weed"....we have to fight to prove our point to these closed minded people and it's such a shame. they are of the mind from reefer madness and refuse to look at it as a medical value. i know someone who was a nurse-retired now-she gave infused cookies to patients but thought it was ridiculous. she is against MMJ..well MJ in general and refuses to see that it does help.
i wish people were more open minded. there's a lot of proof now. makes no sense
i wouldn't say anything as you are only using. if you were growing i'd say you might want to let them know for safety. you can fight it if you get fired...but do you want to?
that's the problem I see. you have your paperwork saying you can use it medically but a lot of people don't get that. it's perfectly OK to work there if you are strung out on pharma but don't you dare use the "demon weed"....we have to fight to prove our point to these closed minded people and it's such a shame. they are of the mind from reefer madness and refuse to look at it as a medical value. i know someone who was a nurse-retired now-she gave infused cookies to patients but thought it was ridiculous. she is against MMJ..well MJ in general and refuses to see that it does help.
i wish people were more open minded. there's a lot of proof now. makes no sense
It was only a clause on the insurance, my employer never asked and I am not obligated to tell.I'm not sure what her views would be. My grow is somewhere else, so that isn't an issue. The mere fact that we need to hide like some sort of criminals or 'naughty children' pisses me off. Like you said, I could walk around wasted on oxy's and that would be fine.
Did they literally mock you at work for being an MMJ patient? Fucken hammer them with a human rights lawsuit. The human rights tribunal can offer legal counsel for those who cannot afford it. You are still a medical patient and their narrow minded views don't change that fact, also if you are a legal, registered MMJ patient that kinda cancels out the whole "illegal substance" bullshit the insurance company shoveled at ya, since you're legally allowed to posses and consume cannabis for medical purposes.
Well the close minded people probably consider mj as alcohol. ... something to get wasted with. I get it... you can't cure stupid. They just need education.... hammered into them. They probably look back at high school days .... hahaha fuck was I stoned during those days lmao
Did they literally mock you at work for being an MMJ patient? Fucken hammer them with a human rights lawsuit. The human rights tribunal can offer legal counsel for those who cannot afford it. You are still a medical patient and their narrow minded views don't change that fact, also if you are a legal, registered MMJ patient that kinda cancels out the whole "illegal substance" bullshit the insurance company shoveled at ya, since you're legally allowed to posses and consume cannabis for medical purposes.
I've considered the human rights complaint, but in the end it is going to be kids that lose
Sucks to hear about all the negativity swirling around you.

I've been through the same thing when I had a seizure Dr laughed and said how do u know the mj didn't cause the seizure maybe you ummm used to much or something.
People are ignorant and dumb.
Since you are medical I would just keep it all under wraps and move forward on to better things and hopefully around better people.
Sucks to hear about all the negativity swirling around you.

I've been through the same thing when I had a seizure Dr laughed and said how do u know the mj didn't cause the seizure maybe you ummm used to much or something.
People are ignorant and dumb.
Since you are medical I would just keep it all under wraps and move forward on to better things and hopefully around better people.
a DR said that?? shows how uneducated he/she was.
such a shame. the are the people we are supposed to trust with our health and they refuse to look at MMJ. if they opened their minds a bit, we as patients would be so much better off