Disease or deficiency? No idea what this is


Well-Known Member
First time grower, never seen this before. Showed pics to local hydro shop, he was clueless. Second picture shows the dmg alot better and I know its not pest because there are none of the tell tell signs of a pest.


Any tips or help is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Looks sort of like a magnesium deficiency but I fed calmag last feed also I dont see any obvious yellowing except where its dying, any help?


Active Member
Whatever it is, it isnt major. They look like they will be fine. Just keep your eye on them and dont freak out. Small problems require small fixes.


Well-Known Member
Oh my god I am so fucking embarassed, Yes. When I mixed the cal mag I splashed it on the leaves -.- So could that be it, because yeah when I was looking at this last leaf I found today thats exactly what it looked like, where a liquid had set


Ursus marijanus
It's about as serious as a small slip of the scissors during a haircut ... coupla weeks and nobody will ever know. ;) cn


Well-Known Member
It's about as serious as a small slip of the scissors during a haircut ... coupla weeks and nobody will ever know. ;) cn
I must admit I am embarassed, I immediately thought my plans were dying, and went off to the store and bought these disease immunity foliar feeding solutions that cost me like 90 bucks, but im sure one day they will come in use. Also, whats a good soil testing ph kit? I got this one by four seasons or someone and its a wand that stabs into the dirt, and its reading my dirt ph at 3-4 which if that was correct my leaves would be getting locked out and turning yellow but thats not happening