Dispensary cannabis

Wow, I dunno where to start. I read this entire thread. Some great insights
and information here, thank you to all who contributed. RIU is awesome.
I wish i'd found this board about 5 years ago. And those pix, whew...unreal.
Make Hightimes foldouts look like rank amateurs.

I began smoking cannabis again after a 27 year layoff. First stuff we got back in 2017 was
meh, okay, i guess. I hadn't had a toke for 27 years, so i should've gotten
much higher. And I'm once-a-day toker, every day since then. And, will not
grow, due to illegality, and like some of you, am scared to death of going
to prison for manufacture and distribution of a schedule one narcotic, to wit
marijuana (sic). Been there, done that.

So, as for dispos, their product sux.
Gags you out, which would be barely tolerable if there was a high as strong
as the cough is, but there isn't. I have not been nearly as high on any of the
product I've purchased at the dispo (avg. price about $30.00/eighth) as I was
on the last of the quarter pound I got busted for sales of a quarter oz back in the '90s.
That was called colombo green and I think I paid about $300.00 for it back then.
Very smooth taste, not the least harsh, and great, mellow, long lasting high.
The dispo smoke for the past five years has offered me nothing even close to that in
either taste or high. Here's a pic of an 8th that I paid about $35.00 for a few months back
called "Dream Beaver":


My apologies for the pic quality. I used a 10 years old, Canon with I think 12MP resolution. So, it's what it's.

I go through the topics here at RIU (I joined oct. 30, this year)
and just drool over those pix and descriptions, and I'm sure some, hell, a lot of the
members here grow some fabulous, tasty, nice high smoke. I will never get to try
any of it :( until the USA legalizes is (which will be never, because the cops and the
prison-industrial complex would lose Billions). DEA would go broke if they couldn't
run around chasing pot dealers. Grrr. Like meth and fentanyl isn't enough, they gotta
toss harmless pot smokers in prison.

Anyway, I've been trying to figure a way to consume without smelling up the 'hood and
being stigmatized for smoking it. Preferred way would be tinctures. I have bought five
different tincs from the dispo and all they do is leave a bad taste under my tongue. No high, tho. :(
But we keep trying.

The good members of this fabulous board has provided me with some answers on how to
make my own tinc. I will give it another try in a month or so, after my U/A. However, because
of the intolerance of my 'hood and neighborhood, will be intolerant of any odor when I decarb
and make my extract for my tincture. So far my efforts have produced no high. :(

I am amazed at some of the prices I've seen in this thread, $500 an eighth? Did i see that? From a
dispo? Really? Wow. I'd just have to quit, especially if it's no-high, choke 'n gag, like I've been
toking and choking on for the past 5 years. Now don't get me wrong, I get a buzz, usually. But not
a very good one. Maybe it's my tolerance, I dunno.

I will report back on my next smoke session though, because I go on a tolerance break two months,
every year, to take my annual U/A, because I wouldn't want the DEA to find any THC in my urine,
God forbid! The lousy sons of bitches.
Try making some edibles, but wait until it is raining outside to do so. That will give you enough cover if you exhaust it outside. Edibles will crush you just a matter of dosage...
Nyahh, but as in your rainy day analogy, edibles take 2 hours to get high, and you stay that way
for about 8 hours. I would prefer smoking, from which you get high almost
immediately for maybe 2 hours, but since smoking creates that distinctive
smell, and I don't want the cops and robbers to get after me, i would opt out
of smelly smoke. So, they say a tincture takes about 30 minutes to get high
and it lasts 3 or 4 hours, that'd more of the optimum, happy medium between
smoking or eating, of which smoking creates smell, eating results in way lengthy
sessions, and so a sublingual tincture is what I seek. Not and edible, and not smoking.

I was posting in one thread about wanting tinctures and some guy posted, "Just roll
up a joint and smoke it bro." I was hoping to make my notion pretty clear, I thought.
Besides, I've done edibles, I know how they work, and while odorless, the length,
the duration of the high is NOT, I repeat, it is NOT what I'm trying for here. Ppl seem to
want to have you do things their way. I'd like to find ppl who can help me to do it my way.
Anytime i scope dispo buds the trich heads appear harvested from trimmer machines.
Spot on. Club weed gets ya good and stoned but the ride is usually 30 min. When I give mine away, I almost always get the “legs” comment, as in man it took a minute but she got legs on her. Mine no trim machine lol. Pretty sure they turn around and either sell the kief for bout 30 a gram lol or prerolls at 15 a doober.jme
Nyahh, but as in your rainy day analogy, edibles take 2 hours to get high, and you stay that way
for about 8 hours. I would prefer smoking, from which you get high almost
immediately for maybe 2 hours, but since smoking creates that distinctive
smell, and I don't want the cops and robbers to get after me, i would opt out
of smelly smoke. So, they say a tincture takes about 30 minutes to get high
and it lasts 3 or 4 hours, that'd more of the optimum, happy medium between
smoking or eating, of which smoking creates smell, eating results in way lengthy
sessions, and so a sublingual tincture is what I seek. Not and edible, and not smoking.

I was posting in one thread about wanting tinctures and some guy posted, "Just roll
up a joint and smoke it bro." I was hoping to make my notion pretty clear, I thought.
Besides, I've done edibles, I know how they work, and while odorless, the length,
the duration of the high is NOT, I repeat, it is NOT what I'm trying for here. Ppl seem to
want to have you do things their way. I'd like to find ppl who can help me to do it my way.
Sounds to me like vaping a concentrate then is your best bet. Much less smell and for the amount you use, a small HEPA air cleaner will easily absorb the smell. You can make water hash and then vape or any other form.
i dont know about america but here in coffie shops you get really nice weed. i remember a year or 2 ago i bought some OG Kush smoked one joint alone gave my girlfriend 2 puffs(she never smokes) i was strugling to stay up she was white as milk laying on the table. guy that worked there even came asked if she is allright had to go take her for a walk to bring her back to life.weed is not the standard 10 for a gram but 13-15. one time i found a strawberry something for 35 but no way i will give that much for a gram
Dispo weed sucks, bc it is a $ grab scam. They sell whatever, and you dont have much recourse other than going somewhere else. I smoked at my dealers and knew what I was getting. And if someone had bullshit, everyone in town knew pretty quick and that person got to keep their shitty weed.
I am looking at pounds for $300 now. Ok is overflowing with weed. In stores there is no sign of it. Prices are still black market levels. And these punks don't have black market troubles. Just economic leaches.
I got some weed from a grower that sells to dispos. It was amazing. I asked what store he sells to, and he said this would never make it to a dispo.
But, these will be the glory days when the us legalizes and corporations run the weed game. All of the local players will get shut out. And the weed will get even worse.
Keep growing your own.
I have had legal and "maybe" illegal bud in approx 25 stated over the years. One thing I can say for sure is that as far as STORES go, I have never seen anything in a US store that matches what Amsterdam offered in the past.

On the "maybe" illegal market I have had dozens of incredible offerings over the years as good or better, but I still think the quality standards in A-dam were the highest I have ever seen.

The idea above that a dispo supplier channels his good stuff to the black market is hilarious and makes sense. Even the suppliers know not to give their good stuff to idiot consumers.
dispensary cannabis is THE worst cannabis in the world followed. imagine going to macdonalds thinking your buying that kobe wagyu beef. dispensary cannabis is for NPC who pay unreal taxes,packagaing , labeling on strains ending in Z.
No name Sam on riu grows THE best cannabis in the world and no one can tell me otherwise.
How do you feel about butter, OP? I've noticed if I let cannabutter dissolve under my tongue I get a quick onset. That said it does last a long time, and it isn't entirely smell free in that it'll be detectable on your breath. Still, less stinky than smoking. Just a matter of making it without stinking up your entire building (mason jar in a water bath will greatly reduce the smell).