Distance between outdoor plants?


First time grower, long time smoker here (lol)

Experimenting with my first grow outdoors. A few days ago I went out and tilled up some ground with a shovel about a foot deep, and added some shultz organic .06-.09-.06 to the ground and mixed it up with the dirt already there

My question is, how close can I put plants towards eachother? And how far do plants need to be to not affect one and another at all?

I'd probably rather put them as tightly packed as possible, without hurting growth significantly...


thanks all :)

I'll definitely be posting a grow log once I get some growth.. Already have over half my seeds germinated, raining tonight, gonna plant either tomorrow or the day after

7 days of sunshine after that, hopfully I can get SOMETHING out of this.. Would be sweet to have at LEAST something to smoke at the end of summer :)