distracted driving fines of $1500 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for what you ask? lol

Using cell phones and other distracted driving has been illegal in NS since 2008. Did about as much as making drunk driving or pot illegal. Nothing! People are self absorbed pieces of shit and, if given the choice, would likely press a button to kill a baby/puppy/kitten if it saved them from waiting in line for 2 mins.
I almost got rear ended by a cop on a highway. The guy in front of me put on his signal to slow down and turn into his lane way. I could see the cop behind me with his head down fucking around with the computer as he ran plates and what not. There was vehicles in the other lane so I could not get out of the way. It would have been a good one and was inches away with a good bit of brake and tire noise.

Right away I phoned the station he worked for (on the sync, lol) and had a stern conversation with some public relations stand in, because of the hot potato, lol. They insisted that all these distracted driving laws and such do not apply to them.

Even the cops can’t follow the damned laws in this country!

Texting and driving is epically stupid. I lost a friend to that.
  • “talking and using a mobile device
  • texting
  • reading (e.g. books, maps)
  • programming a GPS
  • watching videos
  • eating or drinking
  • smoking or vaping
  • grooming
  • adjusting the radio
  • listening to extremely loud music
  • talking to passengers”

this otta be good lol
A quick Google search shows this to be fake Facebook news...
I so rarely use my phone that I'm not too worried about distracted driving laws. Now that my 2 year contract is over I'm switching it to a pay as you go unit. Why pay $40/mth for 10 min use per month. At home it can use my wifi for free if I ever want to go online with it tho never bother. I don't do texting unless I absolutely have to like to answer a text from one of my boys and they usually only text me to get me to call them on my land line as I have 8000 min/mth long distance on it for $19.99/mth. Was a deal we got when we still had dial-up internet and it got grandfathered in. No other option for internet here other than a private wifi company. Our phone lines are really old and there's no cable either so we have Telus satellite TV.

I still have a modem in my PC with Win10 so I can receive and print a fax if needed. Flatbed scanner too so I can sign a fax and send it back tho we do have a fax machine with no ink that we can send with.

Haven't had the need for a cell phone and certainly wouldn't try to drive and dial simultaneously. That's absurd.