Ditch weed, or are my parents potheads?


New Member

Hi. I'm new here. I just stumbled on this site because I was looking for some information on these plants.

My parents have some land and I took a little nature hike about a month ago. Found these, removed any males I could find in the vicinity as a precaution, but I'd like some input. Aside from harvesting them and trial and error, how would I be able to tell if these are worth the effort?

Pointers would be great. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Is that a garden hose in those pics, that's a long hose if your taking a nature hike. Your parents are potheads and need to register and learn how to cultivate herbs properly. ;-)



Well-Known Member
Well they're still young so I wouldn't go and harvest them yet. Are they for sure your parents? Depending on the land it could be someone else's that thought it would be a good spot to throw some seed out onto. However, good job on getting rid of the males, you saved somebody some heartache.


Well-Known Member
1) you shouldnt harvest any weed that isnt yours. 2) if they are your parents and they dont care or whatever then thats one thing but if they planted them for them, they might be pissed if you f with them. If you inherit them for whatever reason, you will need some more time to tell if they are worth it. IF they are small, stringy and dont produce much bud, there is a chance they are not worth it. If it looks like they can hold themselves up and are really starting to bloom after a few weeks, then they could be worth it. Its hard to tell from your pics. Make sure your not stealing someones stash before you mess with them though, cuz if they are not your parents, you could be in for a whole world of hurt from someone you dont even consider.


Active Member
What exactly are you asking? Are you asking if it's cool to rip your parents' grow? Not cool bro. Personally, I find it hard to believe that they run their own plants but you still have no idea if they even partake in the pleasures of canna? Maybe it's time to spend a little bit more quality time with the folks... :cool:

Actually, it looks like you stumbled on someone else's guerrilla grow on your parent's property. Nice little haze plot.

Wow! edit to add: I forgot about the backyard garden hose in the one pic!!!!! hahahaha Not exactly a guerrilla grow! (Or much of a nature hike.) So your parents like to blaze on haze! Good for them (and leave their shit alone.) Just tell them not to bogart all of the bud!!! hehe


New Member
Yeah, the nature hike reference was more for color commentary (RIP Pat Summerall). They have a lot of garden areas around their house and that stuff has been growing there for years, I've just never really put any effort into cultivating it. This year I'm taking a different approach.

(and no, it's not somebody else's, nor do my parents harvest them)

Chances are it's just ditch weed, but you never know - so that's why I came here.

The funny thing: The best looking plant seems to be growing out if their compost pile :P She sure loves her nutrients!


New Member
1) you shouldnt harvest any weed that isnt yours. 2) if they are your parents and they dont care or whatever then thats one thing but if they planted them for them, they might be pissed if you f with them. If you inherit them for whatever reason, you will need some more time to tell if they are worth it. IF they are small, stringy and dont produce much bud, there is a chance they are not worth it. If it looks like they can hold themselves up and are really starting to bloom after a few weeks, then they could be worth it. Its hard to tell from your pics. Make sure your not stealing someones stash before you mess with them though, cuz if they are not your parents, you could be in for a whole world of hurt from someone you dont even consider.
The tallest plant is about 6'3 at the present moment.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the pics I'd say you might have a couple good plants on your hands. Seeing that much sugar and the fan leaves this early is a good sign.


Well-Known Member
What exactly are you asking? Are you asking if it's cool to rip your parents' grow? Not cool bro. Personally, I find it hard to believe that they run their own plants but you still have no idea if they even partake in the pleasures of canna? Maybe it's time to spend a little bit more quality time with the folks... :cool:

Actually, it looks like you stumbled on someone else's guerrilla grow on your parent's property. Nice little haze plot.

Wow! edit to add: I forgot about the backyard garden hose in the one pic!!!!! hahahaha Not exactly a guerrilla grow! (Or much of a nature hike.) So your parents like to blaze on haze! Good for them (and leave their shit alone.) Just tell them not to bogart all of the bud!!! hehe
Certainly looks like haze.:bigjoint:


Staff member
most likely already pollinated by the males you ripped just let em grow i guess


Like ex said, gotta spend more time with the folks if ur unsure if they would be growing. Besides for that, if its on your property, they belong to you now. I know some people will have an issue with that statement, but that's the risk you take planting on somebody else's property


Well-Known Member
I would say it's not ditch weed and is someones grow. Maybe your parents. Why is there a hose there ?


New Member
This is not anyone's grow. It has been growing naturally in the vicinity for years (as I mentioned on the first page).
The hose is an extension from a nexus pump. My parents have many gardens in their yard and need to water accordingly. Hence, the hose running behind the plants.


Well-Known Member
This is not anyone's grow. It has been growing naturally in the vicinity for years (as I mentioned on the first page).
The hose is an extension from a nexus pump. My parents have many gardens in their yard and need to water accordingly. Hence, the hose running behind the plants.
They don't just grow naturally for years. Do you live in cold climate? During winter I'm pretty sure the plants would die I think it's someone's grow too I think you know it is too and just don't want people bashing you for harvesting them


Well-Known Member
If they AREN'T his parents, and someone planted them in his YARD(hence the garden hose/compost pile), then they are the dumbest guerilla grower ever. And fir3dragon, isn't it a possibility that they DO die every year, and in spring the new seeds(as a result of males and females growing together) just pop, some turn male, some turn female, and they pollinate, create seeds, drop them in the fall, and the cycle of life begins anew? I don't think anyone was trying to say that these particular plants have been there for years...but are perhaps the offspring of the seeds some former pothead homeowner threw in the garden before he moved...