Ditty makes a $57 grow box in 22 minutes w/pix


Well-Known Member
I live in Michigan, so im only allowed 24 plants. 12 flowering,12 vegging. So this is perfect, since my grow room is on 6x8. Think im goin to split it in half, so I can vegg 4, start 4 on top, and have a continuos harvest.
i don't get it 12 plants i thought


Well-Known Member
+ Rep for you... I'm going to copy this... Tired of having my tiny ladies in a trash can.


Well-Known Member
Trash can, inventive to say the least. Thx for stoppin by. If anyone clicks on Mugzie's sig. U can see a great journal, with this cab being used..


Active Member
Man sweet space i fudged up and did veg for 3 months. Plants have been in flowering for two weeks and are well ovee two feet. Now what am i going to do.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ heheheh, u def dont wanna do that in this. U can get one for $20 more that is double the height.


Well-Known Member
Diggin this idea bro! Gonna head out tomorrow and grab one of these cabs. Been goin crazy tryin to find something just like this without dropin half the paycheck. I'll keep ya posted. Definitely getin a great big +REP for helpin me sleep easier tonight!


Well-Known Member
No prob. Im glad I documented it. It has seemed to help 1 or 2 people out:) I have heard and seen alot of people make this box now. If anyone has ???'s. Im sure I can find someone, who has made this, had the same problem, and found a remedy. Thx again..No rep needed, just doin my part:weed:


Well-Known Member
dittttyyy love this box but yes he is right its only a veg box my 1 plant outgrew this quick when flowering but perfect box for autos and if you lst somehow maybe you can get a full grow aswell


Well-Known Member
Yup! Check post #74. U can do a whole grow in this. If you pick the correct strain. Train it properly. Good luck dood!


Well-Known Member
Sick ass veg box man. I made pretty much the same one myself just couple more lights. Works amazingly! Noticed you had one of them Hot Shot No Pest Strips in there. Just wanted to say, any bug problem you got, that thing will wipe them out! Those things are the shit for pest control! Nice man! Nice!


Any ideas on how to vent this well enough so I can add in a 400w hps? I wanna stick with this growbox if I can because I don't have a whole lot of money to make a new grow cabinet. I suppose I can just find a way to fix the light over my plant with no box or anything if need be.


Well-Known Member
A 400w in this would HAVE to have a cooltube. Then you would have to cut some 4-6'' holes to exuast it.

Hookedoncron, thx bro! I just made another for a special mother
I Just purchased one of these things and it is pretty sweet. I have a 65w fluorex flood light that i was going to use up top, because it already has its own reflector. I was going to sidelight with some more regular cfl 65's.

The fluorex will not work in there because for whatever reason it cannot be mounted to close to a reflective surface. It says in the instructions not to mount closer than 4 feet to a reflective surface. When i mounted it to the bottom of the shelf and pointed it down towards the bottom of the box it starts to strobe like crazy.

Oh well, I will just have to get some regular cfl's to go up top. I have never grown with cfl's, so can someone tell me if this lighting plan is overkill or not..

veg - 2 65w 6500k cfl above and then 6 65w 6500k for side lighting

flower - 2 65 w up top (1 6500k and one 2700 ) and then 6 65w 2700k surrounding the plant.

that is 520w.. sounds like a lot to me, but there is only going to be one plant in there so I would like it to produce as much bud as possible.


How many plants can I grow in the same cabinet using 162 total watts of cfl 6500K? And how much ventilation? More intake or exhaust?