Dixie Cup Transplant 12 Day Old Roots

Tha CHillz

Active Member
I just wanted to post these pics to show others that start grows in cups what they can expect the roots to look like after 12 days. The different strains visually had the same growth. After germination, I gave them 2ml of water daily and they were under a 24w 2ft t5 during that time so not a lot of evaporation. I have not added any nutrients, yet. broke ground 25 jan.jpgDSC_0535.jpgDSC_0537.jpgDSC_0539.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look at your second picture. Notice that the leaves have just become large enough to reach the side of
the solo cup. The roots travel just about the same amount underground that the leaves do aboveground.
Knowing that leaf width mirrors root width is a help when deciding when to transplant.
NOTE: Your roots have just reached the side of the pot so it's a good time to transplant. However, if you want a bushier plant
you could leave them in the solos another 7-10 days. When mildly rootbound, plants send out more secondary
branches. This is especially important when the phenotype indicates a tall plant with a lot of space between
nodes or leaves. Getting them mildly RB will make 'em bushier.



Well-Known Member
2ml of water a day? its a btter practice to water every few days and completly saturate. 2 ml water daily would just evaporate off the top since theres no roots and 2ml of water is not enough to travel down. theres 5ml of water in 1 tsp