DIY 10 plant NFT system using rook wool medium


Hello everybody....Just wanted to show off my NFT system I mad for my closet. This is my 2nd indoor grow and 1st time using hydro system and at the end ill even show how it worked out.

Materials used

1 10 ft section of 6 inch pvc pipe cut into 2 pieces each 5'8
1 20 gallon storage tote for a res
2 8ft sections of 1 1/2" pvc and multiple pvc conections and valves
2 1/2" drains from my hydro store
1 560gph water pump
1/2" hose
2 6" pvc caps

I Cut 5 5" squares in each pipe, my plants were in 4" rockwool blocks at the time.DSCN0605.jpg

From the pieces of pipe i had left over I cut them in half screwed them to some 2x4's and made stands for the tubes

heres the drains got them from the hydro store i think they were made for a tray but not sure, at the top of the tubes are the feed lines i used 1/4" hose from the pvc running into the closet from my res

From my res the pipe goes thru the wall where theres a valve before the feed lines

Heres the drain line leading out of the closet back to the res

Now a finished shot of my set up

Last but not least here it is all filled up the first one was a few days before harvest and the last was a week or so before


Well-Known Member
Hey man you grow looks great . You're after getting me even more excited about starting up an Nft of my own :)


New Member
So glad I ran across this! I'm in the process of basically duplicating what you have & super eager after seeing your crop. Thanks for sharing!

Do you mind if I ask how you attached the 1/4" feeder lines to the main (1.5"?) PVC supply line? It looks like just holes drilled in and then the tubing is fit in but I wasn't sure if there was a trick, can't wrap my mind around it. Thanks!