DIY 300 Watt Vero 29 SE (Built-in Holders) ~$450

View attachment 3890300
Next, I went for the prewired Dimmer(red and blue together, and black and white together) and then finally attached 8' leads to the black and red wires that will go out to the fixture.View attachment 3890301 View attachment 3890305Then go back and secure everything with electrical tape and zip ties.View attachment 3890306

Alright, last but not least we have to wire the fixture and hang it.

With the poke it Connectors this is easy. Just wire in Series from negative to positive all the way around, with the exception of the final two connections from the driver.View attachment 3890307

Now we hang the fixture, make the last two connections, and hold our breath.View attachment 3890308
This time wire the positive lead to the positive connection where you started the series wiring and the negative lead to the negative port on the last COB in the series.

Then....plug her in View attachment 3890309

I'm exhausted, and I'm sure there are typos and I left stuff out. I will revise tomorrow. Hope this helps some folks out!
A very well documented build with pics. Thanks.

I have a thought for you. I think the dimmer pot you are using is 50K ohms. If I am right, then you are running at half power maxed out...and if I'm wrong, I got a slice a humble pie ready!

Just disconnect 1 leg of your dimmer pot and find out.
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Awesome bro, I'm in Canada too which is why I've been researching for a while, I was gonna just buy the timber 600 watt pre fab kit but it's near 1 k plus shipping was hoping to build a cob to replace my HPS 1k for 500-700 Canadian
My whole build will be about 1100-1150usd, i live in canada so shipping chewed up some of that unfortunately.. If u live in the states it will be cheaper.

1000w=2 panels
500w=1 panel

37ish volts x 1.75amps= 64-65w each.. Ill try to get some accurate numbers once there up and i buy a watt metre.. But with the dimming capabilities, in theory, i should be able to adjust from 100-1000w..
Awesome bro, I'm in Canada too which is why I've been researching for a while, I was gonna just buy the timber 600 watt pre fab kit but it's near 1 k plus shipping was hoping to build a cob to replace my HPS 1k for 500-700 Canadian

I dont know if thats possible buddy.. Mabe with cheap citi 1212's.. There on sale right now through northern grow lights.. 12-14$ a chip with holder.. I think with those little chips you could get away with the 120mm heatsinks that are on sale too.. For my budget i think i could have done 25ish of those.. Check em out.. I dont know what shipping will be, tell them fed ex ground as it is much cheaper with the weight of the heatsinks. Mabe they'll even lower the price on the receipt so u dont pay much duty...
Cheers and good luck
A very well documented build with pics. Thanks.

I have a thought for you. I think the dimmer pot you are using is 50K ohms. If I am right, then you are running at half power maxed out...and if I'm wrong, I got a slice a humble pie ready!

Just disconnect 1 leg of your dimmer pot and find out.
I believe you are right.. These 50k pots are for dimming 2 drivers at once.. Arnt they.. I hope as i have 2 at home
A very well documented build with pics. Thanks.

I have a thought for you. I think the dimmer pot you are using is 50K ohms. If I am right, then you are running at half power maxed out...and if I'm wrong, I got a slice a humble pie ready!

Just disconnect 1 leg of your dimmer pot and find out.
I'll check when the lights come back on. based on the heat they are putting off, I would think they are getting the full 1400ma, but I could be wrong
@sixstring2112 smh. I'm pretty sure he is right. I didn't even realize that was a 50k pot. Good thing I way over shot it on wattage for my space and have been running the lights about 8-10" above. So glad you chimed in @BuddyColas! I unhooked the pot, and the full 300 watts probably a bit more for capping the dimmer should come on at 1030
@sixstring2112 smh. I'm pretty sure he is right. I didn't even realize that was a 50k pot. Good thing I way over shot it on wattage for my space and have been running the lights about 8-10" above. So glad you chimed in @BuddyColas! I unhooked the pot, and the full 300 watts probably a bit more for capping the dimmer should come on at 1030
If that is the case, don't toss out that 50K pot, just put a 50K resistor in series with it. Then you can adjust from full to half power. Be interested to know how it turns out.
I took it out completely. It looks brighter, but hard to guage. It seems to be running about the same temp, although it's much colder here tonight than the past few nights. Thanks for the tip! I'll keep the resistor in mind if I need to back to dimming for any reason