DIY cabinet grow - intake and outtake question


Hello all. Just about to finish building my grow cabinet. A question about the intake and exhaust - I have 1 PC fan acting as an exhaust, rated at:

Fan speed 1600 RPM
Max airflow 110.61 CFM
Max static air pressure 3.12 mm H2O
Noise level 26.01 dB

I have included the specs at their maximum as that is what I'm going to run them off. I've bought a power supply to control it: 12V 10A 120w AD DC adapter thing.

The dimensions of my cabinet is 80cm x 75 x 45 cm. I did have an intake PC fan (the bigger hole) but it didn't work, and I then read some people saying that passive intakes are better.

What should I do in regards to the airflow? Will this be okay? The other problem is, the plants will be in pods (some dodgy DIY jobby to enable the use of rhizopots and LST easily in a very tight space) (pictured) which will obstruct the holes somewhat... how should I get around this?

Thanks all :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
passive inlet at the base or floor

outlet highest rear point of the cab is ideal

passive as it will suck from all directions

imo/ cab guys always make their cabs way too small

if your'e struggling now how you gonna get on in 3-6 months time

I'd go 120x 600mm and 1 meter tall minimum,

space means more weed

good luck

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hye man, great lookign cabinet, vostok is on point about the flow.

Also if I may, I would recommend you hang the lights horizontally. First, you get more light from the sides of the buld, as opposed to the front. Second, you now have more space!