The difference between an inline "stuff" filter and a commercial style carbon filter is
the way air moves through the carbon. In an inline filter like you have, the air is forced through by an inline fan as pressure builds up in the tube behind the carbon, this is a large volume of air moving through a restrictive space and will follow the path of least resistance, this will lead to the creation of air channels in the carbon. The thinnest areas of carbon will be exposed to the most air at greater speeds while a large amount of carbon sits mostly unused in more restrictive areas of the carbon layer.
This also means the filter only works vertically as well. This is a big deal for me as I move filters around and expect them to perform in different configurations.
The commercial style filter found here is meant to be at the end of an exhaust system. It filters air by forcing it into a chamber where the additional pressure from the fan at the back causes the air to passively diffuse though the carbon. Again this is a larger amount of carbon, the air moves through more slowly thus filtering better, lasting longer. Speaking generally your filter moves a lot of air through a little surface of carbon, while this one moves a little air through a huge surface of carbon.
And its way more scalable.
Im not saying your filter dosnt work, but from someone with 4 big plants to someone with 50, this filter has you covered for barely 5 times the price of the carbon coffee can, and it looks trick.