I'm reserved to the idea that the plants may be there another week. oh well it's only time. Tomorrow will mark 9 full weeks since they started to show flowers. I think this may have to do with the airstones being clogged... I really think they were on pause for a week or two, now they are unpaused (i hope).
I got another question in a message to me... thought I'd put it up on the thread.
DankBudds said:
If you could explain how you mixed and added your nutes that would be great.
Hey bro... here's what I do... is it right, I have no idea, but it has worked for me. First off I use the Dutch Masters Nutrient Scedule to figure out how much of each solution to use (I use the DM schedule becuase I use DM nutes). I am assuming you are not askin how to figure out how much of each to use.
What I do in the physical mixing and measuring is this.... I'll just walk you through the process. I change my tank every 7-8 days. I drain the old water as low as the pump will go.... then I unplug the pump, add 2 gallons and let them bubble with the airstones for a few minutes, then I drain that 2 gallons out... that is sorta how I flush the last little bit of old mix. I use an RO filter that pumps out 50gpd... so to fill my 28 gal rez I start filling gallon bottles the night before and stack them around the room. So... now that I've drained the 2 gallons extra, I turn off the pump and start adding water to the tank.
At the moment with the roots taking up space I fill my tank with 25 gallons to fill. I don't fill it strait away... I fill to about 18-20 gallons... then I save the rest of the water to mix the nutes with.
So... here's an average fill for me... DM Advance FLower A 400 mL, DM Adv Flower B 400 mL, DM Potash+ 95 mL, DM Max Flower 90 mL, DM Silica 45 mL, DM Zone 25 mL, Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 240 mL, General Hydroponics FloraNectar 260 mL. I don't like any strait concentrated solution to go into the tank... and the more watered down the better. What I do is fill my liter measuring cup 3/4 full of water.. then add 100mL of A... dump that in the rez... fill the liter cup again... add 100mL a, repeat 4 times for A... do it 4 times for B... then I usually break down the Potash twice... meaning I measure out the 95 mL... then fill a liter cup of water, and dump half the potash in... and repeat. This way nothing that isn't pretty watered down ever gets into contact with my ph/ppm meter. or my fagile precious roots.
As for order I always do my Base Nutrients first and my Tank Sanitizer/ conditioner Last. The stuff in the middle I don't think matters the order.
I hope that helps a little bit I know you have organic ferts and your doing soil so it's totally different but there is some cary over. First of all, your organic nutes are fragile, so don't keep them in a warm place, or a light place, keep the bottles in a dark cool place. Also make sure to never mix strait nutes... not like they will blow up, but it is best to measure out one and add it to the water, then measure the next and add that.
For soil I think you would do like me, but putting all the mix into a bucket, to eventually water the plants.
I already said it, but I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.