Diy cob help


Well-Known Member
Yeah he doesn't like cobs, so when anyone new asks what it costs to build a fixture he likes to quote prices that are 2-3 times what is necessary.

12 cxm22 at 50w each will give you 600w per 4x4, which is more than enough. Plenty of people are building fixtures and paying $1 watt or less (depending on how fancy you want it to look). To get more efficient than the cxm's you'll prob need to spend at least 50% more
you should not make that statement as it is incorrect. That is your opinion, not a fact and a poorly formed uninformed opinion, as well,. you should keep your iopinions of me to your selfd as that is considered personal. If you want to know what I think ask me not tell me.

Here is what I think. You can buy cheap cobs for5 $12/each and expect the same performance as an expensive cob, like buying a Hundai expecting Lexus performance. let that sink in. If you think you can buy a cheap cob that performs as well as an expensive cob. sorry. Cree cobs are going for $30/ea plus a $12 heatsink and mounting hardware so say $45/cob x 4 = $180, driver $60, $240 min plus frame electrical etc. figure $260 to get a 200w fixture if they will sell parts to you at that price, or they will sell you cheap cobs and say they are equal.

Most of the folks making recommendations do not design lights just recommend kits for folks to buy based on price alone.

If you are looking for a more efficient light production engine, I would do more homework,as all you are going to get here is buy my cob kit or buy my light kit because look at my testing results..
I listened to these guys a coupe of years ago, before they were all expert light salespeople. I bought into cobs' big and fast. Three 200w rigs, rAN them for two years on heatsinks usa heat sinks. Everything was going great, and then it happened. Hermies. I run thre same genetics for over 30 years now BOG. I wrote and talked with BOG about my problem. I did more research ands eventually learned that heat stress was the issue at the core, but I am running an excellent exhaust system big enough for a 2x4 area in a 2x2 area and still heat stress.

So I bit the bullet, and have been following Vitaly for a coupe of years and bought three of his 90w ChilLED grow light boards for my 2x4 with same exhaust for 2x2 and no more heat stress issues with same genetics of course.

Since then I have designed my own boards at a lower cost than Vitaly's and less channels and colors because I respect him, but I want more of these light engines for myself, but I do not need a bakers dozen, so I saw others wanted the same s I decided to go co-op because that is what I do, help me and others at the same time.

So now you know what I think about cob's, my experience. I have no problems with cob's I just have a broader view of things than some folks is all and that scares them.


Well-Known Member
That is just ridiulous. I can build i light that would be as good as my current 600w hps and 600w mh combo for far less then 3 grand
but can you build a light that uses half the energy and twice the power? that is my definition of efficiency, a low energy high power fixture, low electricity operating costs. I used to use 600/400/1000 hps lights and I made someone else pay the electric bill including the AC costs easy for me hard for them. Now I pay the electric and no AC is needed even in 102 summer heat. efficiency


Well-Known Member
Here is what I think. You can buy cheap cobs for5 $12/each and expect the same performance as an expensive cob, like buying a Hundai expecting Lexus performance. let that sink in. If you think you can buy a cheap cob that performs as well as an expensive cob. sorry. Cree cobs are going for $30/ea plus a $12 heatsink and mounting hardware so say $45/cob x 4 = $180, driver $60, $240 min plus frame electrical etc. figure $260 to get a 200w fixture if they will sell parts to you at that price, or they will sell you cheap cobs and say they are equal.
Vero 29 gen7's are now 140+l/w @ 120w (ish) per cob and cost £27 with a built in holder, this is why I constantly refer to them, hard to beat for bang fer yer buck. Is just coolin the gits and having enuff headroom so you don't fry the top of yer canopy! Is easier to deploy 40-60w cobs generally and i'm currently costing a vero 18 build for similar money.


Well-Known Member
you should not make that statement as it is incorrect. That is your opinion, not a fact
First you say this
Here is what I think.
Then you say this... You never say " look at my data" or "look at my testing" or "look at someone else's testing"
You just say "here's what I believe, and my opinion is better than anyone else's opinion or testing or data, or anything else"
all you are going to get here is buy my cob kit or buy my light kit because look at my testing results..
I would trust people who supply data to back up their claims more than you who never provides a shred of evidence to back up your opinions.

You don't like cobs, you've said so in multiple threads. You always say it costs 2-3 times what it actually costs to build a cob fixture At least in your reply you finally made a post with somewhat more down to earth numbers. Although you're still stuck on outdated Cree for some reason. Just about all the vendors have moved on from Cree cobs because in the testing they've done, Cree is now 1-2 generations behind the competition. They are getting destroyed by Vero, Citizen and Luminus cobs (which are all less expensive).

Most of the vendors here on RIU are fantastic and help out many people build efficient well-priced fixtures that are do really well. There are tons of threads showing people using the hardware to grow great crops. Almost no one is complaining about the heat problems you're always speaking of. In fact the opposite is true, many people are having issues with growrooms that aren't hot enough. They need to run a bit hotter now that their new efficient lighting isn't heating up the growroom like they're used to.

I normally don't argue with people on here because it usually does no good. When someone has strong opinions they often tend to get emotional and won't listen to anything contrary to what they believe, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. I know from reading other threads you've posted in that you'll never change your tune on this no matter what anyone says. So this reply isn't really for you, its for people who are new to led who might be misled by you into buying outdated, overpriced gear (Cree)



Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting that graph as it helps me explain the choice between 36v and 70v vero's to @Mztoker here, would you mind finding what the x and y scales there represent as its not showing on the graph here, I'm guessing luminous efficiency over watts?
These are from Cobkits. the x is ppfd/w, the y is wattage. Its great because it shows how different manufacturers do better at different levels. If you are going to run very softly, your choice may be different than if you're going to run them harder.

You will find these graphs in many threads starting a couple years back. from before he was a vendor and was posting these under BOBBY_G

The top ones are all within a % or 2 between 40-70w or so. You won't go wrong with any of them, just go with the best price you can find.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the feedback everyone. Making my diy journey a great learning expierence and a lot easier from talking things through and getting a better understanding of the concepts


Well-Known Member
First you say this

Then you say this... You never say " look at my data" or "look at my testing" or "look at someone else's testing"
You just say "here's what I believe, and my opinion is better than anyone else's opinion or testing or data, or anything else"

I would trust people who supply data to back up their claims more than you who never provides a shred of evidence to back up your opinions.

You don't like cobs, you've said so in multiple threads. You always say it costs 2-3 times what it actually costs to build a cob fixture At least in your reply you finally made a post with somewhat more down to earth numbers. Although you're still stuck on outdated Cree for some reason. Just about all the vendors have moved on from Cree cobs because in the testing they've done, Cree is now 1-2 generations behind the competition. They are getting destroyed by Vero, Citizen and Luminus cobs (which are all less expensive).

Most of the vendors here on RIU are fantastic and help out many people build efficient well-priced fixtures that are do really well. There are tons of threads showing people using the hardware to grow great crops. Almost no one is complaining about the heat problems you're always speaking of. In fact the opposite is true, many people are having issues with growrooms that aren't hot enough. They need to run a bit hotter now that their new efficient lighting isn't heating up the growroom like they're used to.

I normally don't argue with people on here because it usually does no good. When someone has strong opinions they often tend to get emotional and won't listen to anything contrary to what they believe, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. I know from reading other threads you've posted in that you'll never change your tune on this no matter what anyone says. So this reply isn't really for you, its for people who are new to led who might be misled by you into buying outdated, overpriced gear (Cree)

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No. I never say look at my opinion. If you want to know how the Samsung diode S6 performs at 150mA look at their data sheet.

I said I was done with cobs. I do NOT need you speaking for ME. that would be considered personal. I think I said if you want to know what I say or think ask me

You will be ignored after this
Vendors can speak for themselves they do NOT need you to do that for them And I have a right to my view just like you have right to your view, just not abaout me, that is called personal again. get it yet. keep on making it personal and I report you. understand now?
I have facts about what I do you have opinions about what I do. that again is called personal attacks. I am going to tell you now to stop.


Well-Known Member
These are from Cobkits. the x is ppfd/w, the y is wattage. Its great because it shows how different manufacturers do better at different levels. If you are going to run very softly, your choice may be different than if you're going to run them harder.

You will find these graphs in many threads starting a couple years back. from before he was a vendor and was posting these under BOBBY_G

The top ones are all within a % or 2 between 40-70w or so. You won't go wrong with any of them, just go with the best price you can find.
Cobkits is another member under an assumed name. honest data hmmm


Well-Known Member
First you say this

Then you say this... You never say " look at my data" or "look at my testing" or "look at someone else's testing"
You just say "here's what I believe, and my opinion is better than anyone else's opinion or testing or data, or anything else"

I would trust people who supply data to back up their claims more than you who never provides a shred of evidence to back up your opinions.

You don't like cobs, you've said so in multiple threads. You always say it costs 2-3 times what it actually costs to build a cob fixture At least in your reply you finally made a post with somewhat more down to earth numbers. Although you're still stuck on outdated Cree for some reason. Just about all the vendors have moved on from Cree cobs because in the testing they've done, Cree is now 1-2 generations behind the competition. They are getting destroyed by Vero, Citizen and Luminus cobs (which are all less expensive).

Most of the vendors here on RIU are fantastic and help out many people build efficient well-priced fixtures that are do really well. There are tons of threads showing people using the hardware to grow great crops. Almost no one is complaining about the heat problems you're always speaking of. In fact the opposite is true, many people are having issues with growrooms that aren't hot enough. They need to run a bit hotter now that their new efficient lighting isn't heating up the growroom like they're used to.

I normally don't argue with people on here because it usually does no good. When someone has strong opinions they often tend to get emotional and won't listen to anything contrary to what they believe, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. I know from reading other threads you've posted in that you'll never change your tune on this no matter what anyone says. So this reply isn't really for you, its for people who are new to led who might be misled by you into buying outdated, overpriced gear (Cree)

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Still comparing a Cadillac to a Hyundai go ahead. that is called bait and switch
most dishonest salesmen do that, bring you in for a cree cob and bam get you into some cheap cobs instead


Well-Known Member
First you say this

Then you say this... You never say " look at my data" or "look at my testing" or "look at someone else's testing"
You just say "here's what I believe, and my opinion is better than anyone else's opinion or testing or data, or anything else"

I would trust people who supply data to back up their claims more than you who never provides a shred of evidence to back up your opinions.

You don't like cobs, you've said so in multiple threads. You always say it costs 2-3 times what it actually costs to build a cob fixture At least in your reply you finally made a post with somewhat more down to earth numbers. Although you're still stuck on outdated Cree for some reason. Just about all the vendors have moved on from Cree cobs because in the testing they've done, Cree is now 1-2 generations behind the competition. They are getting destroyed by Vero, Citizen and Luminus cobs (which are all less expensive).

Most of the vendors here on RIU are fantastic and help out many people build efficient well-priced fixtures that are do really well. There are tons of threads showing people using the hardware to grow great crops. Almost no one is complaining about the heat problems you're always speaking of. In fact the opposite is true, many people are having issues with growrooms that aren't hot enough. They need to run a bit hotter now that their new efficient lighting isn't heating up the growroom like they're used to.

I normally don't argue with people on here because it usually does no good. When someone has strong opinions they often tend to get emotional and won't listen to anything contrary to what they believe, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. I know from reading other threads you've posted in that you'll never change your tune on this no matter what anyone says. So this reply isn't really for you, its for people who are new to led who might be misled by you into buying outdated, overpriced gear (Cree)

View attachment 4009092
why do you not compare apples to apples. cheap cobs are cheapo for a reason. cost less not as good. want cheap cobs go ahead but not he same. I have cree cobs that are 36v 72v and even drive to 135w cxa cxb, how many cree cobs are you running Dr. Blaze?


Well-Known Member
Reality is Dr Blaze could have made his recommendation without mentioning my name at all, but he could not do that. he had to make it personal. That was when he made it personal. Interesting how these members here can not speak their own mind without mentioning me in the process. I am tired of these personal attacks and if they continue I will continue to speak out and not let these people make up things about me. reporting is usually next Dr5. Blaze. people are tired of you guys disrupting their threads with your personal agendas and attacks..


Well-Known Member
Cobkits is another member under an assumed name. honest data hmmm
This is a lie. Please stop. BOBBY_G was not allowed to use his personal acct after he became a vendor. This was a staff decision.
That was when he made it personal.
I have nothing personal against you. I just don't like it when you confuse new users with half-truths and opinion, and attack the integrity of RIU vendors.
why do you not compare apples to apples. cheap cobs are cheapo for a reason. cost less not as good. want cheap cobs go ahead but not he same. I have cree cobs that are 36v 72v and even drive to 135w cxa cxb, how many cree cobs are you running Dr. Blaze?
Constantly repeating something over and over doesn't make it true. Show one piece of actual evidence that your Crees perform as good as today's cobs... oh sorry, you can't. I've nothing against Cree's. If people own them already they should keep running them. But they are overpriced now that newer, better-performing models have come along. That's why almost no-one buys them now. If you want to brag that they're the best and not be laughed at, I'm afraid you'll have to jump in a time machine and go back to 2015 or so.
how many cree cobs are you running Dr. Blaze?
Why would I be running any? They've been outclassed for at least a year and a half.
How many Citizen 1818, Vero 29 or Cxm22 are YOU running? That's right none. So how can you say yours are better?
. reporting is usually next Dr5. Blaze. people are tired of you guys disrupting their threads with your personal agendas and attacks..
You can report whoever you want, why should I care? There's nothing wrong about pointing out something that is in error. Especially when it is done civilly and without name-calling. You seem to have a bit of a persecution complex and think people are out to get you. If you didn't make so many baseless claims and attack the reputations of some of the RIU vendors that people like so much, you wouldn't find yourself in conflict with so many of the members here. I'm afraid that it is all your own doing. Its important to stand up to people who act this way