DIY COB LED Calculator

I don't want to step on anyone's dick/tit/other, but there is a forum for asking these and you will likely get more answers. This is the calculator thread.
I saw the new to DIY led but it was locked. Wasn't trying to violate etiquette. I didn't see another thread aside from vendor threads. I can move my post. I posted here cause I couldn't get the calculator to work. Sorry if I upset you or anyone else.
No worries! Just start a whole new thread in the LED forum and people will jump on to help you. Thanks for being thoughtful! (And I'll delete my response when you do, and respond to you in your new thread. (:
No worries! Just start a whole new thread in the LED forum and people will jump on to help you. Thanks for being thoughtful! (And I'll delete my response when you do, and respond to you in your new thread. (:
If someone can "jump on" my question and tell me (us) how to open the calculator! I have Java installed but it's impossible to open the .jar file.. It seems that I'm not the only one to have this problem.
I use window 8.1.
Here's how I run the JAR file:

On Windows
  1. Open command prompt
  2. Navigate to the folder where the JAR file is
  3. Run the jar file via: java -jar DIYCOBLEDCalculator.jar
If you get something like: java is not a recognized command
  1. You need to add the Java.exe to your systems PATH variable. When you type a command like "java" in command prompt, it searches the directory it's in for "java.exe". If not found, it'll search all the directories listed in the systems PATH variable.
  2. To set this, you'll want to follow this guide:
  3. Pretty much you are going to find where to set the System PATH variable in Windows. Once you find that place, you'll add the folder where "java.exe" lives. So where you installed Java.
On Mac (OS X)
  1. Open terminal
  2. Navigate to where the JAR file is, most likely ~/Downloads
  3. Run the jar file via: java -jar DIYCOBLEDCalculator.jar
If java is not found in OS X, then you'll have to follow the same guide as above setting OS X's PATH variable.
Hey guys, it’s been a while (and it’s all my fault). Is this still going on, are you guys still calculating limens, umols and everything else? What are the current cobs?

I am thinking on coming up with a web interface that will be accessible in your browsers. It will take me some months to get to it, but just wanted to touch feel if there is even a need and plan accordingly.
Hey guys, it’s been a while (and it’s all my fault). Is this still going on, are you guys still calculating limens, umols and everything else? What are the current cobs?

I am thinking on coming up with a web interface that will be accessible in your browsers. It will take me some months to get to it, but just wanted to touch feel if there is even a need and plan accordingly.

Ive moved on to making my own lighting since quality is not possible to find. Im sticking with the LM301B for now. No other cheap way to get to 2.7-3.0umol/J from what Ive seen.
I'm a long time lurker here, not many posts, but I've learned a lot from the community. So I created a calculator to make it easier for users to look up different configurations.. Big credit given to SupraSPL for starting all this, and his spreadsheets, that I used for the actual numbers in the calculator. I have attached a screenshot. The actual calculator is in a dropbox as RIU does not recognize the file when I try to attach it to this thread.

I added a few cobs to it, I think currently the most used ones, but if someone wants different cobs as a selection, just post the spreadsheets here and I'll add when I get a chance. The prices are current as of today, but if they change, just post here and I'll update. If you guys come up with a need for a calculation in the calculator, post your suggestions, as long as I can implement it, I'll add the additional box for it. COB LED Calculator.jar?dl=0
Sorry the link is dead, any chance on getting the calculator?