It was about 110µmols with the reflector on. I didn't do it with it off and now it has been moved around. But I'll try to get one later for reference. The reason I didn't was because at 9" I was at the limit I wanted to see for intensity.
They are 94% efficient reflective. I assume a portion of light never uses the reflector so loss is limited. Plus they are AD's instead of AB's.
I have been running AB's in flower anywhere from 8"-14" with the drone, it's so spread out. The bigger bare cxa panel at
~18" and getting 900µmols...and >700µmols almost everywhere. The 90 reflectors are perfect for bigger panels. I need more holders so I can put them on mine.
Smaller panels/designs could use tighter 78* reflectors that could boost numbers closer to lens like numbers. Most lenses are tighter than 90* anyways. But the 90*'s reflectors have my pick for my needs.