DIY Cool Tube How-To


Well-Known Member
So I'm a wally-world wanderin around aimlessly and I come across their FANS. It's been a while since I've been able to find any at all since winter here sucks my balls and eveywhere u go they're sellin HEATERS! To get to point, they fot some sweet little 4in mini-fans, that would mount perfect in some 6in. ducting as a good inline fan! Now's the time to stock up on stuff like that kind of stuff around here before it's gone, just thought i'd share with ya'lls.... Peace


Well-Known Member
Good shit! I'm on the east coast, so no Wally World for me. lol I frequest Wal Mart for the release of their fans though. The only thing they have in stock now is those big ass room fans (like $20) and the dual window fans (like $30). I think when the small fans come out, Imma get a couple. The one I have in the cab now is a clip on desk fan with the clip on part removed and then I mounted to the wall with some 90 degree bracket thingies from Home Depot.

So I'm a wally-world wanderin around aimlessly and I come across their FANS. It's been a while since I've been able to find any at all since winter here sucks my balls and eveywhere u go they're sellin HEATERS! To get to point, they fot some sweet little 4in mini-fans, that would mount perfect in some 6in. ducting as a good inline fan! Now's the time to stock up on stuff like that kind of stuff around here before it's gone, just thought i'd share with ya'lls.... Peace

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on man nice idea i will be making my own DIY cool tube after harvest been having problems with heat. I have a 600mh bulb the realllly fat ones grrr not sure it it will fit in there the pyrex or the hurricane glass still trying tofind a place that cares them. I remeber reading on another thread that the airflow over the blub kinda matters to, have you read this ?? Still trying to find that info agian just wanted to know if the outake should be at the tip of the bulb or the back where it screws in. Cant wait to make some changes in my rooms

bam bam

Active Member
I remeber reading on another thread that the airflow over the blub kinda matters to, have you read this ?? Still trying to find that info agian just wanted to know if the outake should be at the tip of the bulb or the back where it screws in. Cant wait to make some changes in my rooms
You probally want to take out as much heat as possible, and I think the end tip of the bulb will be the hottest, so you probally want the out take to be there.

bam bam

Active Member
I would probably use epoxy, but I am sure that most will use caulking. Thanks for adding to the bookmarks. Glad I could contribute to peoples cabinets. lol And I aint even start my cabinet yet. lol
Hey what kind of specific expoxy did you guys use? Do you think super glue for glass will work?


Hey 7th great tutorial. I have been looking to make one and this is the best most simple one I have found.

Quick question for you, or anyone....

My cabinet is only about 2 feet wide. Im going to run the ducting from the outside of the cabinet to the inside which will connect to the bake around, then ducting again going out the cabinet. My fan will be on the outside pushing air through the cool tube. Do I need something like a Stanley blower to push the air or can I use a small normal fan?


Well-Known Member
Hey 7th great tutorial. I have been looking to make one and this is the best most simple one I have found.

Quick question for you, or anyone....

My cabinet is only about 2 feet wide. Im going to run the ducting from the outside of the cabinet to the inside which will connect to the bake around, then ducting again going out the cabinet. My fan will be on the outside pushing air through the cool tube. Do I need something like a Stanley blower to push the air or can I use a small normal fan?
What kind of wattage are you running? If you have 400+ watts, you want a good high CFM inline fan (not a cheap home depot one). It's best to pull air from the grow room through your cool tube and exhausting air out of the cabinet. The fan should be mounted up high, and have a passive intake hole at the bottom for fresh intake.


What kind of wattage are you running? If you have 400+ watts, you want a good high CFM inline fan (not a cheap home depot one). It's best to pull air from the grow room through your cool tube and exhausting air out of the cabinet. The fan should be mounted up high, and have a passive intake hole at the bottom for fresh intake.
I have a 400w hps. I have an inline fan and a circulating fan, and the cabinet is open most of the time while the light is on.


Well-Known Member
lets keep this thread going, i have a bake a round on its way. growing in a cabinet with a 465 cfm fan and comp fans for intake. ganna use my 400 eye hortilux for flowering. whoo hooo.


Active Member
I'm having some trouble building a somewhat similar project.
Were the bakearounds made in more than one size? Mine is almost exactly 3 3/4 OD, but the "4 inch" pvc stocked here, is 4 1/4 ID. i'm having a lot of trouble getting a good fit even with the door trim foam, so it looks like i darn well better build wire braces between the end pieces. I'm building a semi-cylinder reflector out of steel flashing, i'd like to hear thoughts on how to attach reflectors, how far they should be from the tube, etc.


Active Member
CAN you repost the pictures? This is a great thread, hate to see it die because your photobucket account went tits-up.