DIY cooler tube for a 250W HPS


Active Member
Hi; im wanting to build myself a colltube as i think the cabinet i will be growing in will become far too hot, H(90)D(40)W(65); using a 250HPS.

I want to use some sorte of piped glass attached to the CF which is being sucked through by a 4" fan

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I have been reading on DIY cooltubes; learned you need a E40 fitting. Was wondering if you can buy something like this but for hps.

Would make the whole job alot easier as i aint that great at DIY

Help is much appretiated; cheers


Active Member
Im from the UK; is a pitty really, from reading peoples threads walmart and other american stores are very usefull for home DIY and growing. Will have a look around though. Cheers


Well-Known Member
you can buy a 6" cooltube for 40-50 quid in the uk, saves all the hassle. it will probably cost you 30 quid to make one, and the bought one wont look ruff! lol


Active Member
Hi Rob; where have you seen a cooltube for 40-5 £; obviously a bought one would be ideal for me as i aint no handy man. Cheers all for help


Well-Known Member
hi collie not sure where your from but my local hydro shop sells them for 52 quid, i would go for a coolshade over the cooltube if it will fit, this is the one ive got or here is a cool tube if you dont mind ordering off ebay the seller is fantastic next day postage.