DIY design build throwdown


Well-Known Member
You did it for yourself not for me.

Based on memory my chillers are 12v 5 amp so that's what I need in a power supply depending on how you size the fans (12v 0.25 amp seems common) and design of series or parallel most DC motors will pull what they need, making it a matter of doing the arithmetic. So that a 12v 10 amp would be enough for what I need. That's why I'm on hold with it, I don't have (or know that I have) the right power supply.

These things didn't come with any instruction or spec sheet so until I get that I can't say what exactly they will need. Hope this answers your question about power supply.
Not at all...

So if I have 2 100w peltiers to run, I need a 200W 12v power supply? The pump says 12v and max current 350ma. The cpu fans I assume can just run on the same power supply I run the pump on?


Well-Known Member
I did so, read deeper, your numbers will be different than mine but it is the same principle. Calculate amps needed from t he information available you have volts and watts.......


Well-Known Member
So this reconfig took longer than expected thanks to @BOBBY_G
Proof of concept for dimming/cooling by addition of a light source (addition by subtraction?) Also a consolidation of cooling fan circuitry and elimination of 12v power source by running 3 12v fans in series and a 2700K CXA3070. Additions 2 "passive" Arctic Alpine 11 47 watt heat sinks each with CXB3070 3000K (AB). These 3 pendants and fans powered from 2 of the import lights 36v 1.2a drivers, the other 2 drivers are powering 2 CXB3070 3500K (BB) (the middle 2 rows of one are either burnt out or got damaged when it slipped in the holder or I stabbed it with a screwdriver trying to re-install), and the 12v power supply for it's on board fans - Draw from the wall 184W (about 12-14 less than stock for the advertised as a 400W light) - Add to this the 2 stock cobs as the ode to @BOBBY_G heat removal by light generation and this is a 7 COB 5 fan unit)
It looks like a mess:
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG28.JPG
because it is. The remote thermal well:
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG24.JPG DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG30.JPG DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG26.JPG

Now for the fun part!!!!:bigjoint:

Time = 0 Lights on (Alpine 11 CXB 3500 2 parallel @ 36v 1.2a)
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG32.JPG
Time = 3 min Blurple lights on
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG33.JPG
Time = 5 min (2 minutes after turning on Blurple lights)
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG34.JPG
Where the temp was taken - (Backside of Alpine 11 heat sink above COB)
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG35.JPG

More pics
DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG29.JPG I put tie ins on each fixture so I can add a 3rd or 4th COB or unplug one of the 60w power supplies entirely, total wattage for flower cab 465 ish including a 115 AC fan, 2 timers, 110W DIY COB, 184W FankenCOB, 167W of T5 (8 x 24w) about 461 watts. Any volunteers for a PAR ppf calculation-off??? I was going to remove the T5 until I saw how well it reflected the LEDs, maybe I'll just unplug it and use it for heat if I need to....DIY Reconfig ode to BobbyG36.JPG Extra port for another fan (it'll chop it to ~9v and slow the fans down tho), or what's that on the wall??? a digital thermostat???


Well-Known Member
I'd like to focus on one, looks like WiFi android is the way so in addition to the microprocessor and WiFi adapter, what would you consider to be essential accessories and reference materials and what are some nice to have things?
1st rule is to have a bunch of doo dads that never get least right away


In dealing with Wifi and Android? least google TCP/IP protocol, once, if you aren't familiar.
Maybe also just a general knowledge of helps, I know how to much around several mainly because they all follow the same syntax, they really just use different wording ...Programming for instance, great program to be used by Arduino or even pushing python on the Web....but totally different command lines than Arduino, but in reality similar structure [syntax]...people freak out, but just have some patience....

Know the different bands of wifi and what hardware will work with ad hoc.....

Hmm...then what I am using is pretty bare it further :)

Arduino Uno
Arduino Micro Pro

temp sensors
ESP8xxx wifi Master [not slave] module

I also bought a cheap tablet touchscreen with Android 5.0....bought it for both the bluetooth and wireless B/G it uses...

Still very much a work in progress, but eventually I can have a wireless network on site, without a web presence i.e Internet of Things....then If I travel or need remote [still figuring some of this out] I will tunnel thru a VPN to maintain wireless access abroad...
Site location can switch back and forth between ad-hoc wife and bluetooth and you can secure access much easier imho :peace:


Well-Known Member
1st rule is to have a bunch of doo dads that never get used...
I like the first rule, somehow though I think you are stretching the use of the word never, some very useful things pictured there. iMac remote Bluetooth transmitter?

I used to work at a call center for dial up tech support, the extent of my tcpip knowledge about configuring dual band modems is, not available at this time. But that would be a way to avoid the Internet of thing by dialing direct and sending touch tone commands.

Thanks for the info, it will be well used.