DIY DWC 5 Gallon bucket grow

lol you guys are jumping like flies on shit. i already said we all have are own thoughts and techniques[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].[/FONT]
lol you guys are jumping like flies on shit. i already said we all have are own thoughts and techniques.

It's more the fact that you showed up, called it cheap, and offered no useful info. You can have all the differing opinions you want. No reason to talk down to someone because their medium isn't what the new high times has on the cover
Lol i said the grow was cool sec for the rocks. i wasn't here downing shit. bro chill a little this aint the prison yard.

So, you're saying he's growing it wrong? That's "downing shit" in my book. Care to explain why not to use the rocks? Oh, knower of all things growth-medium?
lol i know about dwc. its just the fact that your using something other then whats normal. rocks, fish gravel..... whats next. just seems a little ghetto and cheap to me. but hey its your own grow. we all have are own thoughts and techniques.

some root clones in a potato.

back off. are you butt hurt because you paid a fortune to get all the goodies the hip rich kids use?

use what works.:finger:
just slow down don't grow with rocks and gravel. :finger: thats all im saying.... uh "ghetto backers" lol just made that up to call you it.

The plants don't know the difference between hydroton / rocks / gravel...they just need a to say not to grow with it is stupid. Offer facts, not opinions, especially negative might find that less people talk shit to you.
No i don't care about you guys talking shit lol. I don't even grow DWC lawl. I dont have to offer facts or opinions im going to say what i want when i think it. I didn't get butthurt either i grow with dirt and i know for a fact that growing DWC with fucking garden rocks its stupid... its doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Lol you guys crack me up i like reading your downers over me saying rocks are stupid medium to grow with.....

O ya and thanks for telling me im the knower of mediums, made me laugh a bit. Also i think if i was downing shit the dudes whos tread this is would say something.

Also here's what i said initially now tell me this is downing shit....

You grow in soil, and are offering opinions on how to grow hydro, and saying something is stupid, but having no reasons to back it up. Then you go on to say you don't have to back up your claims. Well, you don't. However, know that the moment you say you don't have to back your claim up, everyone went "Oh, that's right, schools out...".
Just wanted to also add that iv had my share of hydro from my 16 bucket recirculating system to my flood n drain table setup to dirt. Now before you down or bitch or make some shit to say. I myself never ever thought of going outside and grabbing some rocks for a dwc or any hydro system. Thats just not orthodox. Always used the correct method from hydroton to rockwool or perlite. Im just saying put the garden rocks back outside for decoration or w.e and spend a few bucks and buy a real medium.
lol that didnt even make since dude it doesn't take someone that grow hydro to know that growing with rocks or gravel is just stupid. Remember just like you said i was offering a opinion take it or leave it. O ya "Ding Ding School just started" :lol:

I guess you think you're smarter than Roseman then? The bubbleponics master? He even recommends using aquarium rocks. Post something proving that it's stupid to use anything except can't.
lol that didnt even make since dude it doesn't take someone that grow hydro to know that growing with rocks or gravel is just stupid. Remember just like you said i was offering a opinion take it or leave it. O ya "Ding Ding School just started" :lol:

And like any other opinion that is clearly idiotic and not founded in reason; it shall be ignored.
Just wanted to also add that iv had my share of hydro from my 16 bucket recirculating system to my flood n drain table setup to dirt. Now before you down or bitch or make some shit to say. I myself never ever thought of going outside and grabbing some rocks for a dwc or any hydro system. Thats just not orthodox. Always used the correct method from hydroton to rockwool or perlite. Im just saying put the garden rocks back outside for decoration or w.e and spend a few bucks and buy a real medium.

Some times you have to think outside of the ASS.

Here have a hug, my guess is you need one.:hug:
By the way, people don't use Hydroton because it "holds water" lmao.

Here are some of the main reasons why hydroponic growers might choose hydroton over a different medium for their hydroponic garden.

Durable - Probably one of the major reasons why people choose hydroton over other hydroponic media is because it is a big money saver. You dont really have to worry about it falling apart or otherwise becoming unusable after only a couple growing seasons. You can safely use it year after year, and it can work just as well if you take care of them. After each growing season, you should wash the hydroton thoroughly with the help of isopropyl alcohol, and then rinse with pH balance water. This does not only cut away a lot of hassle normally associated with hydroponic growing, it can also allow you to invest extra money in your garden.

Holds Moisture and Nutrients - Usually the downside to very durable and reusable hydroponic media , like perlite, is that they just do not hold moisture very well. In a recovery system, it flows out as quickly as it is pumped in. With hydroton, this is less of a concern. The physical structure of the pebbles actually allows them to hang on to a small amount of moisture, which can be greatly helpful in making your gardening experience little bit easier.

Easy to Stabilize pH the ideal range for the pH in your nutrient solution is anywhere from 5.6 to 6.3. If it fits outside of this range, you are going to run into some serious nutrient uptake issues. Hydroton makes your task in stabilizing the pH level a little bit easier by being completely pH neutral. It is not acidic or alkaline, so it will not cause the pH level to drift in the grow tray. While you should of course regularly check your pH level and use pH adjustors regularly to guarantee optimal uptake, hydroton can just make your job a little bit easier.

Plenty of Air - Of course, holding moisture will not do you much good if your hydroponic system is totally drowning. This is where hydroton also excels. It provides your hydroponic system with all of the air you need for your roots to grow thick, large, and complex.

Affordable - If you find that your hydroponics budget is a perpetually strained because you have to spend so much money on your growing medium, you should definitely consider hydroton to conquer your financial woes. The main reason for this is that this material is fairly cheap to make, which makes it very easy on your wallet.

I dont think this said anything about garden rocks or fish gravel. Also
Gravel/Rocks will affect your ph and if they arent smooth and round they can cut into the roots if you move them around and damage/stress your plant.
"You can make your own growing medium using combinations of rocks, sand, perlite, vermiculite, peat moss, sawdust, styrofoam, paper, cardboard or anything you could possibly think of. The key word here is to 'experiment'... "

You don't know everything, I promise. You can google and you'll find hundreds of other sites that say it's fine to grow in tons of mediums OTHER than hydroton. And what's wrong with growing in a potato? I thought everyone had to do that experiment back in middle school...This forum is for people to learn, encourage and support other growers....not knock them with misinformation. Just because something isn't expensive doesn't make it ghetto. Go educate yourself then try to offer advice.
Holds Moisture and Nutrients - Usually the downside to very durable and reusable hydroponic media , like perlite, is that they just do not hold moisture very well. In a recovery system, it flows out as quickly as it is pumped in. With hydroton, this is less of a concern. The physical structure of the pebbles actually allows them to hang on to a small amount of moisture, which can be greatly helpful in making your gardening experience little bit easier.

Small amount of moisture...9.6% holding capacity is nothing...grow stones hold 29.4%

If you were using something because it "holds water" then it wouldn't be smart to pick Hydroton over alternatives.
Here are some of the main reasons why hydroponic growers might choose hydroton over a different medium for their hydroponic garden.

Durable - Probably one of the major reasons why people choose hydroton over other hydroponic media is because it is a big money saver. You dont really have to worry about it falling apart or otherwise becoming unusable after only a couple growing seasons. You can safely use it year after year, and it can work just as well if you take care of them. After each growing season, you should wash the hydroton thoroughly with the help of isopropyl alcohol, and then rinse with pH balance water. This does not only cut away a lot of hassle normally associated with hydroponic growing, it can also allow you to invest extra money in your garden.

Holds Moisture and Nutrients - Usually the downside to very durable and reusable hydroponic media , like perlite, is that they just do not hold moisture very well. In a recovery system, it flows out as quickly as it is pumped in. With hydroton, this is less of a concern. The physical structure of the pebbles actually allows them to hang on to a small amount of moisture, which can be greatly helpful in making your gardening experience little bit easier.

Easy to Stabilize pH the ideal range for the pH in your nutrient solution is anywhere from 5.6 to 6.3. If it fits outside of this range, you are going to run into some serious nutrient uptake issues. Hydroton makes your task in stabilizing the pH level a little bit easier by being completely pH neutral. It is not acidic or alkaline, so it will not cause the pH level to drift in the grow tray. While you should of course regularly check your pH level and use pH adjustors regularly to guarantee optimal uptake, hydroton can just make your job a little bit easier.

Plenty of Air - Of course, holding moisture will not do you much good if your hydroponic system is totally drowning. This is where hydroton also excels. It provides your hydroponic system with all of the air you need for your roots to grow thick, large, and complex.

Affordable - If you find that your hydroponics budget is a perpetually strained because you have to spend so much money on your growing medium, you should definitely consider hydroton to conquer your financial woes. The main reason for this is that this material is fairly cheap to make, which makes it very easy on your wallet.

I dont think this said anything about garden rocks or fish gravel.

Hydroon breaks constanly: I know, I'm constantly picking little pieces out of my buckets. Provided you take proper investigaory precautions and rinse your rocks first, ph still shouldn't be an issue really. Air flow in the medium is not something dwc needs to worry about, the air pump covers that more than sufficiently. As far as affordability, I can get rocks from the hardware store where they price competitively; instead of hydroton at the hydro shop that overcharges because they know growers will buy anything if you market it well. So there you go. Also, your little cut and paste bit there is clearly just an article to sell hydroton. It doesn't really provide a fair and balanced opinion.
Hydroon breaks constanly: I know, I'm constantly picking little pieces out of my buckets. Provided you take proper investigaory precautions and rinse your rocks first, ph still shouldn't be an issue really. Air flow in the medium is not something dwc needs to worry about, the air pump covers that more than sufficiently. As far as affordability, I can get rocks from the hardware store where they price competitively; instead of hydroton at the hydro shop that overcharges because they know growers will buy anything if you market it well. So there you go. Also, your little cut and paste bit there is clearly just an article to sell hydroton. It doesn't really provide a fair and balanced opinion.

Hydroton is made in the shipping def works it's way into the cost! Also dislike that it leaches after a while and gathers at the bottom of the res. There are def better alternatives. If I ever go Dro again, will use grow stones.
just slow down don't grow with rocks and gravel. :finger: thats all im saying.... uh "ghetto backers" lol just made that up to call you it.
Dude my plants 2 months old and already now 3 and a half feet tall with about 5 big tops and 10 other smaller ones. my rocks are the shit. im 12/12 from seed and my plants huge, obviously rocks work great