Hell yeah guys thanks! Id use a slightly bigger box or just arrange it differently than i did. I forgot to take into account the wire connectors. I also made some wires too long and split all the wires in a weird/bad place for the way i had planned. Im trying to find one.
Id highly recommend the switch/power inlet/fuse combo. Soooo much less bullshit to have runnin all across the box, but that being said its the reason i dont have as much room as planned. The ssr runs into the connectors and make it about an inch longer than planned. Luckily its all flexible so i could maneuver it around to fit right.
Ill be ordering supplies for 5 boxes in a week or two. Been busy with the other shit along with dialing in the first one. So hopin to have them all built and sold by 4/20 at the latest. I wanted to do some pre order shit but dont really like holding onto money and would feel too bad if something slowed me down or happened. So id
Good news though the autotune is SPOT ON!
First tests with it and autotune was done with just the coil and no nail it sat pretty at 700 every couple minutes itd drop to 699 then bounce back to 700. Then a few minutes would go by and itd bounce to 701, minute later back to 700. Only works better on an actual nail!
Best part is the heatup. Takes about 2 minutes over shoots by EXACTLY 16 degrees just like the humboldt enail does. Didnt mean to have it do that it just happened to because im pretty sure we use the same controller or a clone.
With a nail, that was not made for an enail and really didnt fit well at all, it sat at 700 real nice heated to temp in 2 minutes, didnt over shoot as much because it was heating the nail and the nail was ready to hit within 5 minutes. Once i get one of the smack dab essentials or HE nails itll be alot better. Also only lost about 10 degrees in temp after a pretty big dab and recovered in under 30 seconds. Not sure if ill even fine tune the settings. Theyre sittin pretty good. Messin with a few low temp dabs but we didnt have a carb cap and the piece we were usin was a little bigger than usual so it took a lot of breath.
Smack dab e-nail ti nail
Drop down
Probably gonna grab one of these and a drop down^^^. Made just for the 16mm coils. they have em in 10/14 mm male and 14/18mm male as well but i couldnt find one on the site. Either sold out or not up yet haha.