His fan is drawing ALL of the air in the room into the bucket. I've tried the FREEBREEZE air filters that you plug into the wall, 4 of them, and it still STANK! I tried the DIY Carbon filters and they did make a difference.Dude are you serious? i mean its inventive and cool and all but they (febreeze included) make little teenie bottles of deodorizer that have a little teenie fan hooked up to it that plugs into the wall for like 5 bucks, a whole lot smaller and a whole lot less work. Im sure youre saying that It wont work as well, but it does.
I bought 4 of those last year and it was like pissing in the wind. It was like a big dick on a priest or big tits on a nun. Might look good, but does not seve it's purpose.No offense but ppl make shit way more complicated than it needs to be sometimes just to occupy there time or idle hands lol..
My suggestion is..
1. Buy 2-4 of these >( they have fans included too btw LMAO ) http://www.glade.com/productDetailPage.aspx?productId=12![]()
2. plug em in.
3. go smoke a bowl
Rocket science ,its not.
to get more air moving check this outhttp://forums.cannabisculture.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/198140/site_id/1#import it moves a lot more air it only took a few min. to smell the differance in myapt. got rid of my cig smoke smell.Hello everyone! I saw a pic on here of a bucket with a fan over it and the bucket was filled with Pine Sol and he was using it for odor control. I thought hey that would work but I really dont want to smell Pine Sol in my room. I went to the BIG Orange store and bought a painters bucket with lid about $2.50 and a bottle of Febreze $4.79 I had an old CPU that I dismantled and stole the fan out of it FREE!! I did have to go the surplus store for a transformer that would run the fan $3.00. I cut a hole in the top of the lid then epoxied the fan to the lid, then drilled holes all around the bucket for air, dumped the Febreze into the bucket filled the rest with water and plugged it in. There is not a whole lot of air coming out of the fan but I waited an hour or so and my room smells like summer!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
Febreze is a very powerful deodorizer it just took some time for it to take over the room. Not strong at all just fresh!!!!
I am using this in conjunction with a can filter system but would definitely work alone with a small op.
Will this be enough odor control to cover the smell of almost 50 plants?
6 plants per sq ft? Have you thought this through? That's a little less than a 5x5" area per plant and imo would be very hard to maintain.Here's my dilemma. I am setting up a 48 plant 2'x4' perpetual lollipop SOG in my attic. My only smell concern is preventing the aroma of the flowers from intruding into my living space. Will this be enough odor control to cover the smell of almost 50 plants?