DIY hydro kit


Well-Known Member
I need some help on the basics of building a hydro system. I was intrested in one i seen using a big storage bin. I have 3 fish tanks and im not using one of them but im debating if i wanna use it. I have air tubes and air stones from the tanks but i dont know how to set it up. I would appreciate any help.:confused:


Well-Known Member
first of all you need to know that roots cannot recieve any light, they must be in complete darkness so you obviously need to do more reading if you want to use a fishtank and air stones.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty new to forums so when you said check out the faq I took a minute to figure out what a faq was. I figured it out and read as much as i could find. Thank you for the help. I am currently growing 3 plants in soil. I think one may be a male because its taller than the other two and the other two have more leaves. I recently brought them in the house to start force flowering them. Then i learned how to clip them at the top so i did. Should i wait to flower them since i just clipped them? I heard they have a big growth spout when they flower so will it grow good anyway?


Well-Known Member
I will get some pics up when I get my computer back. I dont want the pics on my father in laws computer and mine is being repaired. I have grown before but i didnt know what i was doing and i killed them but these ones are doing good other than some insect bites on someof the leaves from being outside.Also how do i know when to pick the buds? I appreciate any help from you guys.

jojo dancer

Active Member
what up man I also grew up in flint and moved out to CO, also working on a dwc system using 5 gallon buckets. One thing that I found that was lids for the buckets with the mesh pots built in. I know there is no hydro store in flint so u may want to go to horizon hydro in kzoo from there web site it looks like they got alot of shit..

Gl on the grow I know how bad the flint town brown is.

That rot isnt named sativa is it?