What I am drawing after relaxing and clearing my head( I always Understand my readings better high, even in college) is I kinda have two options I noticed you ran the numbers for the low currents for the Hlg185 I was looking at. Lol perfect, so now I think that either the 1050 or 700 are psuhing the limit of whats been done one here and based upon the prefered outcome; higher lumens with the 1050 and higher efficiency with the 700. scenerios c is 1400 I would venture to say psuhing those hard towards the 1.4 range listed as the next model up. would the led be more likely to fail due to heat? it would provide an extra 20% lumens at that rate. I did review the models people are working with now and found them to be ranging, but topping out at like 2.02 and the high end was 1.5 for $/parwatt, so I find the balance may be 1050 @ 1.75 $parwatt with a lm per watt of 148, that was not attainable form the previous charts.
This is all just technical though. to get to the nitty gritty, the implications that we are refering to are coverage area of my 6 lights. Do we shoot for what most top led companies do and run for highes lumen output, disregarding led lifespan and head issues (thow a bigger heat sink on it! blow another fan through it!)jk but you get it.
Scenerio A)
What is the cost in coverage area between the 700 and the 1050? If ran at the lower current, 700 my leds will produce 8k lumens at 48w. I believe it would be safe to say this could covera 1.25x1.25ft square or 1x1ft with ease. (following the assumption that 35w/per sqft is where people wanted to be before)
Scenerio C)
The second scenerios would conclude that I get 75w per led and perhaps could place them farther appart, sat 2ft? these would have depper canopy penetration, with the loss of a closer, coooler more even par coverage light. If any of this is off because I just dabbed and may have went totally stupid, please let me know. but I think I can also see how a mix of the two could be good(maybe scenerio D and save an led for later?). but the difference really comes down to how much additional penetration of the canopy would the 1050amp provide? Does the additional penetration compensated by the heat issue, meaning will the extra lumens and wattage cause me to really loose lumens because I have to move the light farther away thus depreciating the value of this option? All shit I would test if I had the resources lol.
Boom! hope i was making sense and on point this time. works been killing me. Its the weekend though.

Happy saturday!