If I understand correctly it is just plugging in in parallel. So if you have your driver board plugged into a power strip you can just add that unit to the power strip and relieve some of the strain on the wiring for that circuit.
I have noticed that when you mix power factor corrected drivers with those that are not, the power factor corrected drivers actually help those that are not and raise the power factor overall.
Ok I get it now thanks. Interesting that the power factor corrected drivers help the others out.
24" of that heatsink is 2034 cm² which is good for about 18.5W of passive cooling for typical XML2 @ 900mA and still keep a low Tj.
I think you are referring to the XML2 4C U2 which is 46% efficient at 900mA so you could get even lower Tjs or you could install a few more watts.
Thanks for answering my question for me. Those 4C U2 are indeed the ones I was going to go with from fasttech. I should be able to run 6 of those on each bar then safely with good Tj. A 24" bar with 6 LEDs would be average of 4" length of that heatsink profile per LED (~3w each at 900mA).
I measured some stuff with the Kill A Watt:
-1 CXA3070 Z2 COB on Meanwell LPC-60-1400 driver 0.60PF 58.9w 0.81A 96.7VA
-1 heatsink fan at full speed 12v with cheap chinese ac/dc adapter 0.51PF 3.1w 0.05A 6.1VA
-Sunsystem magnetic ballast 150w HPS on startup .31PF ~3.7A didnt record wattage as it just climbed as it was warming up the bulb. When warmed up 0.44PF 159w 3.0A 356VA.
-desktop mini fan blowing on 150w bulb 0.52PF 16.4w 0.25A 30.9VA
-Panasonic Whisper FV-08VKS2 80cfm (flowering tent exhaust) 0.59PF 14.6w 0.2A 24.9VA
Didnt measure the veg tent exhaust yet but with the 150w HPS in the flowering tent as it is right now 190w total draw with lights on and lights off 30w for the two fans.
edit: Also should mention that the testing was done on a power strip with other things plugged in so numbers could be a little off, not sure.