DIY LED Grow Light Vero 18 (Economy light)

I prefer Irons for intricate work. Torches can be more difficult but necessary. I once installed DMX512 line in a theatre for a month with thousands of terminations. torches were the only way and such a pain. Wished for a good iron the whole time. JUst my 2cents.

If you ever want to do something we could arrange a "tech day" get together maybe. Although you seems to have enough kessils to go full bore indoor MO.
Haha - yes! Wow! Thousands of terminations! Reminds me of the summer I had to get the Skeeball arcade ready for summer at Elitch gardens. 70 machines and they were 100% mechanical. I made those things purr. The week before the park opened to the public we had a big party for the Denver elite. Not a single failure.

Spent the whole summer getting high with the Pinball/Video arcade mechanic and roaming the park. I would come back an hour later and all of the machines would still be working. The old mechanic averaged 10 failures an hour. The owners loved me :)

Can you suggest a good iron and stand? Do you have a clamp? I shake so badly that I need the wires held while I apply the heat and solder.

I have a stainless steel tank from which I want to create a hempy system. I am planning to braise the parts together with my MAP torch. Saw this method being used to make stainless brewers on a home beer brewing site.
I have taken welding classes. I can braise but no as well as some. Better at steel... LOL I do have a 220 clark with gas that can do stainless though. just need the right wire.

But why make a hempy from steel? plastic works awesome and is easy to plum.

This is what we use at work. Seemed to do the trick fine for me.

this is an affordable soldering vice:

or what we use

you can get the solder too. Get really small gauge as it is easier to work with.
Good luck with the grow SG. I'd like a rail with the far end disappearing into the distance, one that I can't see the end of!
But doing something similar.. and smaller. Nicely executed, neat & quick job it seems!
Shit, I'll have like 4 threads going once I get started! One for the mover (but in all fairness, I think I found the schematic here, it just never got finished by anyone from what I could gather)

The threaded rods are essentially the drive screw, but since these are side lights, I can't really run them in the center as I've normally seen with movers, so I need to adjust my design to fit my needs. This forum rawks.
cooitube ehhh jejeje ...where have I heard that before? :-?

can i post your thread or pics or vids in my spanish thread?

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I am looking forward to posting a progress report for week one flower later this week! The growth is pretty explosive for just 3 days.
im lazy on building lights, I just buy them from china, can get 300watt LED for about $150 delivered. What you do is good, hope you get good enough to build and sell.
OK.... Apparently I waaaay under estimated the power consumption at the wall on these units. Here are the amps-watts for each:

3 cob bars:
1.6amp. 192w
1.8amp. 216w

4 cob bar:
2.2amps. 262w