Well-Known Member
Pos, getting lost chasing threads, referring to my dimming issue, after re downloading data sheets I got the 3 methods and graphs, dah.......... I made sense of it.
It is a 1k ohm 1/4 watt resistor used with a 10k pot, graph shows it starting out at 100% and as you turn the pot clockwise it drops down to 10% near 9.5 ohm's.
I thought the Vaux went to third leg, middle to Dim +, and Dim - to 1st leg (also shown as top leg) I do best with solid drawings of things. I will play and figure this out after I get a new soldering Iron,,, what model you use ?
I use this Weller...http://www.amazon.com/Weller-WES51-...1122588&sr=8-1&keywords=weller+soldering+iron
I tried two different cheaper models without the seperate power supply. This one was a night and day difference. I used to have to sit there heating the pad..the solder wouldn't stick to the pad...solder wouldn't melt to remove things...frustrating to say the least. This one is eeeaaasy. Expensive, but it should last a really long time. The cheapos die quick...so your not really saving any money.