DIY led grow

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First scrog ever on its way. Been hard headed about this technique for a long long time. I must say I'm liking the idea of more tops than usual.

Anyway, next time I need to get more growth from the blue dream before i flip, she hardly stretched at all. Wanted a deeper canopy but ahh well, it is what it is and should be plenty..

Just 300w this time, would like to see how it goes with less juice and a scrog. A practice in efficiency..


Blue dream
And a new fave, tangie. Just wreaks of sweet tangerine.

The tent is actually a huge smelly terp bomb with these strains. All in coco and perlite...think I'll be staying with this. This was my grow technique before a few years of a hybrid ROLS thing I had going. Uses more bottles and nutrients but the results are hard to beat. Still mostly organic..pretty much straight biothrive. I know thats up for debate and they've been acquired by monsanto so I may need to find a new brand

And one of my favorite reggae jams just slogans no more

Pos,please let me clarify better where exactly I stand ,regarding the deep red LEDs ...

As i've mentioned : " in certain cases " ..."excess deep red photon availability " ...etc ...
I trust that the 3000K COBs/LEDs already have plenty of these deep red photons ...

As ,also for certain species -like Cannabis - excess of these photons either do not seem to have such an effect or even worse-combined with the total absence of FR photons -,they can pose a serious threat to the PS systems ...

Let me show you an article ...

Expanded Product Range for Horticultural Lighting with a “Far Red” Version

Osram Opto Semiconductors is expanding its LED product range for horticultural lighting with a new type of the well-proven Oslon SSL. In addition to the existing hyper red (660 nm) and deep blue (450 nm) versions, the high-tech company developed a far red Oslon SSL LED with a wavelength of 730 nm. For certain plants such as tomatoes, pepper or roses, it is exactly this wavelength which leads to better growth. Customers now have a better coverage of the color spectrum for their horticulture applications. The new far red Oslon SSL will be available immediately

And now allow me to deposit my thoughts about it ..
Or how personally interpret this article :

"Dear customers,we-or at least our white-dressed lab junkies -
at Osram we're the first ones to make highly efficient deep red diodes.
We're amongst the first ones to cultivate this deep-red hype ,regarding LED horticulture .
Well ,things are not exactly as we firstly thought ...
It seems that most leafy plants-like lettuce - do grow well with the deep -red & blue LEDs combo ..
But some other plant species -like Cannabis,for example - are facing some trouble doing so ...
So we've made a FR led to come along with our famous deep red LEDs .
It' is well known that most plants either reflect and transmit those FR photons ..
Still ,you need them along with the deep reds ,to avoid any phytochrome & photosynthesis "mishappens" ..
Dear customers ,in order for some species to grow healthy and be productive ,is not enough to bombard them
with 660 nm photons .You 've to supply enough FR photons ,to counteract the -adverse- effects of the former.

Moreover ...Greengenes ,showed to our community ,that our beloved plant can be still productive ,
without many of these "660 +730 nm combined " photons ...

Still seeing things ,through a monochromatic perspective ?
I'm not saying that those 660 nm leds are not good for growing ..
They are ,of course ..But they need a specific "company" in order to be efficient growth -wise ...
That's why I think that i.e. a 4000K +660 nm +730 nm combo is far better than the 3000K+660 nm one ..
In more than one aspect ..
It's not only photosynthetic rates ,we're after ...
Not one tree..
But the whole forest ..
Meaning that phytochrome action ,leaf angle,photoinhibition ,saturated PS systems,young vs old leaves ,
static high irradiances and many more should be taken into account ..
And supplying lots of 660 nm light ain't the solution ..
Probably it makes things even more complicated ..
As we 're not growing lettuce or carrots ,but a more complex plant species ...


My question for you. How much 660nm and 730 nm power should be added too a 4kK cob lamp? And what effects would that yield vs 4kK emitters alone.

I know its kind of experimental but it may be good for discussion.
My question for you. How much 660nm and 730 nm power should be added too a 4kK cob lamp? And what effects would that yield vs 4kK emitters alone.

I know its kind of experimental but it may be good for discussion.

I don't know bicit...

All I know is 3k does well with 660nm. The light I'm building in the other thread will be 4k and 660nm... I'll know better then...
I don't know bicit...

All I know is 3k does well with 660nm. The light I'm building in the other thread will be 4k and 660nm... I'll know better then...

Thanks, but those questions were mostly aimed at sds since he said that 4kK combined with 660nm&730nm light would make a nice flower lamp as would 3kK alone.

But which would be 'better' ? What makes it 'very good' (electrical efficiency/dry weight/oil content)? what differences would be noticed?
The tent is actually a huge smelly terp bomb with these strains. All in coco and perlite...think I'll be staying with this. This was my grow technique before a few years of a hybrid ROLS thing I had going. Uses more bottles and nutrients but the results are hard to beat. Still mostly organic..pretty much straight biothrive. I know thats up for debate and they've been acquired by monsanto so I may need to find a new brand

What nutrients are you using?

What do you think of the Earth Juice Originals line on coco?
What nutrients are you using?

What do you think of the Earth Juice Originals line on coco?

General organics biothrive. Pretty much stopped trying different nutes after i started using this, works well for me. Always wanted to try canna and earth juice but so far haven't. I see canna in my near future since GH sold out. I do remember seeing incredible results from earth juice users back in the day..
General organics biothrive. Pretty much stopped trying different nutes after i started using this, works well for me. Always wanted to try canna and earth juice but so far haven't. I see canna in my near future since GH sold out. I do remember seeing incredible results from earth juice users back in the day..
General Hydroponics was acquired by Scotts? Do you think the product quality will be changing?