DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

Hey guys, I'm putting my light together. On the driver on the ac side there is one blue and one brown cord. I believe the brown one is the live one. Is that correct? I'm just more used to red, black, green.


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From the symbols ACL and ACN on the driver.....

Brown = AC current Load wire aka Power
Black AC current Neutral wire

in the US for AC
- brown or black is load,
- white or blue is neutral.

all of my household wiring is white\black\green

but if your wiring between various components, especially generic Chinese components I would use a tester to verify. since sometimes they are so cheap they refuse to follow common color standards (ie red\black on the AC side)

and to confuse everybody I just picked up some hot pink silicone ripchord (paired sidewall attached) for the cob hookup wire.
Hello everyone, been working on a small project and got some advice on power driver, so i went this route

You could use the$30 Mean Well HLN-40H-54A , dimmable from 450-750mA or the HLN-40H-54B dimmable from 75mA-750mA

fired up the HLN-40H-54B to 20 xlm 10w with no pot..i think im gonna need a more powerful one, it's pulling 60w @kilawatt meter and looks weak,
since im such a newb and old and lazy and end up buying wrong items from being half blind looking thru 3000 pages of electrical items

what would be double of that driver , if any and dimmable down.. like 150w- 60w thank you all for awesome stuff and many props to all you fine fellows and ladies
WwW EDIT 19 XLM's pulling 38 watts thank you Supra and Crew[/QUOTE]

Hey witch!

Are you looking for a stronger driver for your array? I believe there is a 80h version of the same driver which would run upto 1500mA ii beleive!

If that's not what you're looking for just disregard this post!

Peace & Love
fired up the HLN-40H-54B to 20 xlm 10w with no pot..i think im gonna need a more powerful one, it's pulling 60w @kilawatt meter and looks weak,
since im such a newb and old and lazy and end up buying wrong items from being half blind looking thru 3000 pages of electrical items

what would be double of that driver , if any and dimmable down.. like 150w- 60w thank you all for awesome stuff and many props to all you fine fellows and ladies
WwW EDIT 19 XLM's pulling 38 watts thank you Supra and Crew

Hey witch!

Are you looking for a stronger driver for your array? I believe there is a 80h version of the same driver which would run upto 1500mA ii beleive!

If that's not what you're looking for just disregard this post!

Peace & Love
oh i got one sized for 28 XLM2 stars..this one runs 15 nicely @ 37.9 watts so i just went down in power from the 125w CFL , but can double the new one to at least 80
that would explode the growth rate..awesome brother..whattcha crafting ? :)
Hey witch!

Are you looking for a stronger driver for your array? I believe there is a 80h version of the same driver which would run upto 1500mA ii beleive!

If that's not what you're looking for just disregard this post!

Peace & Love
oh i got one sized for 28 XLM2 stars..this one runs 15 nicely @ 37.9 watts so i just went down in power from the 125w CFL , but can double the new one to at least 80
that would explode the growth rate..awesome brother..whattcha crafting ? :)[/QUOTE]

Well I'm looking at picking up 3 CXB1513 to wire up to a 630mA 45-65V driver I pulled out of an old panel I have which should run about 33W. It was a Blackstar 135w 3w x 45 diode panel. I salvaged 2 of these drivers so if all goes well I'll pick up 3 more cxb1513 for the second driver. Was eyeing up a few 3000k bin M4 chips but need to get some work done on the car this week so I may need to hold off a few weeks to buy the COBs.

Peace & Love
i wanna run 12 cxb3590(cd bin 72v version) per sqm

is there a driver that cun run 6 of them?


i know the 350 will but i think thats a bit too soft

anyway to calculate the output at those low mA(350-500mA)? the pct doesnt show below 700mA
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trying to finish up an order
5x vero 29 4000K
I could solder, but to keep things simple...
5x (?) 0688014085 molex 12" pico ezmate harness
what is used to connect from the mean well to the first cob
drill and tap holes in heatsinks...
trying to finish up an order
5x vero 29 4000K
I could solder, but to keep things simple...
5x (?) 0688014085 molex 12" pico ezmate harness
what is used to connect from the mean well to the first cob
drill and tap holes in heatsinks...

its generally advised not to use the pico ezmates for a serial chain of cobs like this. It can be done, its within voltage spec, but the wires in the pico are absolutely the thinnest wires possible ....

the pico ezmates imho are meant for single cob\ single driver hookups.
Red or Brown is live
Black or Blue is neutral
Green/yellow is earth

You would genreally see red and black together or brown and blue. I've never seen red with blue or brown with black in any mains wiring I've been near.
am I correct that the hlg 185h-c1500 with 5 Vero 29's should be using about 189 watts?
I couldn't find specifics on lumens for 1.05A

below is modifying some data bigyellowcob had given me when i first started looking...
no idea where these figures come from, but tried to fill in what looked like a formula...

1.05A driver (35.9vf Vero 29)
6 sq ft
37.7W * 5 = 188.5 Dissipation W
188.5 * .4475% efficiency = 84.35 PAR W
84.35 * .9 reflector/wall losses = 75 PAR W
75 / 6 sq ft = 12.5 Par W/sq ft
Now I don't know what I'm multiplying below...
12.5 * 4.65 * 10.7(what are these) = 622 PPFD ?

I tried to take the numbers from the example below when I thought I would have a smaller cabinet...
1.05A driver (35.9vf Vero 29)
18” * 30” = 3.75 sq ft
37.7W * 4 = 151 Dissipation W
151 * .4475% efficiency = 67.6 PAR W
67.6 * .9 reflector/wall losses = 61 PAR W
I think 41.4 is a mistake? / 3.75 sq ft = 16.27 Par W/sq ft
16.27 * 4.65 * 10.7 = 810 PPFD -
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@SupraSPL , With the Arctic 11's can I just push solid strand wire into the fan plug? Or should I just chop off the plug and solder the wires? What would you recommend? Thanks buddy.