DIY: MarsHydro 300w || Removal of glass


Well-Known Member
So the old-style MarsHydro 300w, has a nice thick bit of glass which we are going to remove for better heat penetration and cooling of the unit

Tools needed;
*Stanley Knife
*Phillips head screwdriver
*Heat gun/Hair dryer

[1]Start off by removing the 6 screws holding the unit together.

[2]Lift the base of the unit out of its casing, you will be greeted by the heat sink. Holding it in place is the 4 small outer Phillips head screws. Remove them.

[3]Now your unit should be all disassembled and ready to remove this glass.

[4]Use your heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the glue holding the glass in place. Now carefully with the Stanley knife cut the glue away.

[5]Heating the glue up again using the heat gun until its quite warm, get your hammer. And lightly tap on each corner of the glass until it breaks away.

[6]All complete, now reverse these steps too put the unit back together.

Hope this helps the people wanting to do this DIY but not sure where too start, as there is not much information on dissembling the Mars Hydro unit.
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hi noysy, that's a lot work, the leds are looks beautiful in your last pic, but have you ever worried about that after you move the glass , the leds will burnt when they touched the water, just worried about it, but heat penetration and cooling will be truly better.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Going off my digital thermometer it has defintley worked in the fact that it is now warmer in my tent. Was originally at about 21c, now sitting at 24.6c in the same position/height.

I dont think there is any ill effect too it, the guys at the 420 forums have played around with it and is widely recommended for this model!:bigjoint:

Only downside is warranty is now void but at $79 a piece, its no biggy.
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it's a solution for the heat , just it will obey the warranty, but have fun, enjoy the DIY, hope your plants grow well and healthy. Happy weekend. bongsmilie
this is a very old thread i get that but if anyone knows does it incress the par out put and does it change the angle of the light