DIY multi LED grow light

V 1.2.1
View attachment 4784860
Added a reflow control pad on the bottom left and a 3.0x2.4 cm logo in the middle

Unfortunately I don't have a hotair gun. I want to do it as easy and clean as possible. With the Metal Core PCB it won't heat up enough with just the hothair gun (because the aluminium will spread the heat which is what I want for the running heat of the LEDs) and put more heat stress on the part.
Probably I will try and find a hot plate with a good cost-benefit ratio so I can do repair if necessary and maybe a small hotair gun like the dude in post #55 if they are cheap, but for starters I'll try convection oven reflow soldering.
yes with large surface area MCPCB you will struggle to get the whole board heated with hot air gun, at best it will be useful for repair of single diodes, thats why you really need a plate and gun together if you want consistent reflow and ability to repair