DIY Nectar For The Gods Herculean Harvest-ANYBODY? Bonemeal mix


Well-Known Member
I Like Nectar For The Gods Herculean Harvest - seemed to make the ladies pop (or psychosomatic)-but it's just bonemeal?
I can buy 25 lbs for $.02 <> :) at a farm supply store , bonemeal in a ziplock bag.
Can you approximate a hydroponic ratio,
is it even soluable? I googled it, I really didn't see much-


Active Member
Here's a YouTube video of NFTG founder Scott Ostrander explaining the basic line, Herculean Harvest starts at the 7:00 minute mark.
I think it'd be way more trouble than its worth to try and create your own liquid-bonemeal from dry, and likely less effective than Herc.
As far as a hydroponic ratio goes/solubility thats another big obstacle. NFTG nutes don't play nice with hydro setups, the nutes are wayyy too thick (especially the herculean harvest) and you'll be going crazy chasing pH levels.