DIY Passive cooling with PIN Heatsinks SST120 and SST140

hey robin, i would love to have one of each for sizing purposes( or possibly just 4 round ones, and ill do a build video). I believe they will fit the universal 80/20 bracket I have been working on.....
View attachment 3662507
Thank you. Build video sounds amazing. I don't have any of the 140mm once. Is 120mm fine. how about 4 heatsinks tapped for 3070 ? or vero29/cree3590
120mm has around 98mm distance between the side M4 mounting screws
if we talking about temperature differences then Kelvin is equal to need for transformation
it will be higher see here...
i forgot Kelvin = Celsius + 273.15
Thanks 'Temperature Correction Considerations' helps. assuming 1.3 for 20C Temperature Rise (DTsa)
15*1.3 =19.5C over ambient. Assuming ambient under 28C (86F) still under 50C so looks good. With air circulation lower 40's for the heatsink temperature.
hey robin,how long untill you have new stock of the 140mm round hs with the modified ideal 3590 holes? i could use at least 10 more if you would add me to your list :-) know my opinion about the driver and junction box position for a totally passive design...
...i prefer drivers and junction boxes...on the extreme zone for a better air circulation not only for cob heatsinks ...for drivers ventilation too... ...the drivers can go on a vertical heatsink too... with the fins oriented on vertical for better passive ventilation design...

...but i know you make temp test too... ...then for my pov go ok with your amb temps... my dudes are with high ambs temps... but i suposse with high amb temps...all passive ways are not good solution too... need fans or maybe a/c system....or liquid way.... ...but on passive way we can help the air circulation with a design with drivers or junction boxes not near or over to heatsink/s for better air circulation... just my pov bro... course temp tests give you better pov.... if go ok for your needs...why not?...

...i respect all ways... inclusive the magic yellow tape....from supra... ...;)...

...i hope you dont look this post on criticism way... its just my pov...

...A big salute to BROS... take care and stay safe... love for all


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I don't think being passive in a well designed room or tent is a problem at all. There should be good air movement from top of the room to bottom, to mix the hot and cold air, not just an intake and exhaust. I now try to mount all my fans up high so they are pointing down, blowing the air over the heat sink and down into the canopy. I have a 35 watt fan that can really move a lot of air, pointing straight down on a light mover and my heat sinks and drivers run very cool. The canopy also has less of a temperature variance than the room. IMG_20160416_163830765.jpg
hey robin,how long untill you have new stock of the 140mm round hs with the modified ideal 3590 holes? i could use at least 10 more if you would add me to your list :-)
I have 120mm for 3070. Rest are all out.
It will be a around 4 weeks. I will keep 10 reserved for you. Any progress with the once i sent earlier.
I have 120mm for 3070. Rest are all out.
It will be a around 4 weeks. I will keep 10 reserved for you. Any progress with the once i sent earlier.

Not really,i have them all assembled just need to wire a few more but now is my busy season
Im building a 62,000.00 retaining wall with a 5 man crew and i have 2 lawn crews going full bore again so my grow stuff kinda takes a back seat for a few months every spring.but i might fiddle with it some on sunday,try to hang a few fixtures.keep me posted on the 140mm i may want 20 by the time they come in. know my opinion about the driver and junction box position for a totally passive design...
...i prefer drivers and junction boxes...on the extreme zone for a better air circulation not only for cob heatsinks ...for drivers ventilation too... ...the drivers can go on a vertical heatsink too... with the fins oriented on vertical for better passive ventilation design...

...but i know you make temp test too... ...then for my pov go ok with your amb temps... my dudes are with high ambs temps... but i suposse with high amb temps...all passive ways are not good solution too... need fans or maybe a/c system....or liquid way.... ...but on passive way we can help the air circulation with a design with drivers or junction boxes not near or over to heatsink/s for better air circulation... just my pov bro... course temp tests give you better pov.... if go ok for your needs...why not?...

...i respect all ways... inclusive the magic yellow tape....from supra... ...;)...

...i hope you dont look this post on criticism way... its just my pov...

...A big salute to BROS... take care and stay safe... love for all


These drivers are designed for outdoor use in hot weather. Grow space should be a cool environment for them.
Heatsinks are running under 50C too.
I agree that it is better if Heatsink is away from COB driver and junction box. But for DIY, convenience ...
vertical fins goog idea for remote drivers.
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Never purchased outside the USA before.

Price: 601.95 (662.15 Inc. Tax)
465.33 USD 413.17 EUR 323.64 GBP

Does that mean it's $465.33 for those of us in the states? Not clear what USD is.

I ask because when I add it to the cart and change the country to USA the price stays at $601.95

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Never purchased outside the USA before.

Price: 601.95 (662.15 Inc. Tax)
465.33 USD 413.17 EUR 323.64 GBP

Does that mean it's $465.33 for those of us in the states? Not clear what USD is.

I ask because when I add it to the cart and change the country to USA the price stays at $601.95

Not sure if I follow. Where do you see these numbers.