DIY with Quantum Boards

MMJ Dreaming 99

Well-Known Member
You might be able to upload to gallery here

I will go pickup heatsinks tomorrow noon. Kits will be listed once i check the shipment. There is enough and i don't think they will sell out in a day.
Dont want to take pre orders until i receive heatsinks.
Dang. Nice pics. I have a feeling that when the new board comes out and growmau5 videos hit that you and Stepen will need No Doze to keep up with the business. Thanks for your efforts. I can't wait to see the two board rig/


Well-Known Member
Quick question guys, I'm currently running two 250w 3k kits in my flower tent, now I'm ordering another 250w kit, would adding some 4k be of any advantage in the flower tent. I plan on running the kits at lower power.


Well-Known Member
There is such a thing as too much light via not enough canopy/plants. I'm in a 2x2.5 tent "5sq ft" and find 100w veg and up to 150-175w flower plant and canopy dependent.

I'm doing a one plant Scrog atm "should have done 2" and just flipped to flower. I pulled 7oz from the two autos I test ran with no training and the results are staggering. Mind you this was at 100w veg and 125w flower.

With this new grows denser canopy I will ramp up the wattage/intensity through flower as needed, nice to know we can do that.


Well-Known Member
There is such a thing as too much light via not enough canopy/plants. I'm in a 2x2.5 tent "5sq ft" and find 100w veg and up to 150-175w flower plant and canopy dependent.

I'm doing a one plant Scrog atm "should have done 2" and just flipped to flower. I pulled 7oz from the two autos I test ran with no training and the results are staggering. Mind you this was at 100w veg and 125w flower.

With this new grows denser canopy I will ramp up the wattage/intensity through flower as needed, nice to know we can do that.

So with 4 panels using a combined 300watts at 24inches of canopy should be ample?


Well-Known Member
And were back!! These boards have changed things in my grow. I'm going the sog route in a 3x3. The coverage and intensity at 120 watts is hard to believe. Plants are healthy, more trichs on fan leaves and not fighting for light like my last grow either.


Well-Known Member
And were back!! These boards have changed things in my grow. I'm going the sog route in a 3x3. The coverage and intensity at 120 watts is hard to believe. Plants are healthy, more trichs on fan leaves and not fighting for light like my last grow either.
How many plants and what size pots are you going to use. I would image sog with single colas will be excellent.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I am currently an LED grower but VERY eager to try these new QB's.

I am in the UK and finding it very hard to get all the bits and pieces together therefore is there anyone in the UK who has a ready made unit(s) who is prepared to sell?

I know it is a long shot but if you do not ask you will never know.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I am currently an LED grower but VERY eager to try these new QB's.

I am in the UK and finding it very hard to get all the bits and pieces together therefore is there anyone in the UK who has a ready made unit(s) who is prepared to sell?

I know it is a long shot but if you do not ask you will never know.
Just order from northerngrowlights there is no problem getting the kit sent. You will not buy this kit anywhere else.
I know there is two people on here from uk using them.


Active Member
Is there any basic starter guide or Video series over QB boards similar to grow mau5 or some God light wizard?


Well-Known Member
Im at day 25, using 4 quantum's,
scrogging and things are looking good!, a picis worth a 1000 words, maybe I'll get to post b4 day62.